watershed cover !

cool. do any of you guys know what there is going to be on the special edition? assuming it has the bonus (cover) tracks on it. but other than that?
Have to preorder special edtition asap.

Detric, probably some footage from the recording session or something like that.
yeah i was wondering that too. its a bit odd that you can pre-order the special edition already (unless they are releasing both albums at the same time which i dont think they will), but ive ordered from play many times, so i dont think its a mistake but i dont really know.
Mikael has said in one of his myspace blogs that both editions will come out at the same time.
I thought it was that picture of them on the title page at first. Then the real cover loaded, thankfully. It's not bad. I am indifferent about the new song I heard though, Heir Apparent or whatever.
I put the new album art on my desktop, and it gets better every time I look at it. Maybe just cuz I'm psyched for the album to come out, but I do like it. The only thing is that they seem to have used the same colors as the GR album. Oh well, still looks good. :)

Will the special edition have the same? That's the obvious one to get anyway...
How can you say this cover has the same color scheme as GR??

GR is dark brown to light brown and white.

Watershed's cover is black, with green, olive green on the Opeth writing, with white.

The only similarity is that they both have an eerie feel to them(no shit, it's Opeth) and there's a human infront of a window. Well it appears to be a human on the GR cover anyways.
I like the cover, but I have come to the conclusion that my feelings for a certain album cover only become established after I've heard the music a few times, since only then the association is made with the music, and the atmospheres that are present in the music will be recalled when viewing the album art, forming a whole of visual and aural stimulation. It is an interplay between those two elements, where both the interpretation of the music influences the interpretation of the artwork, and vice versa, forming a cyclic process that will eventually lose power over time and listens, so that the feelings associated with both elements become more or less stable. Hence, for now, I feel any initial expressions of feelings associated with the album art have little value.
I don't know, maybe I'm colorblind, but to me the colors look really close on GR and Watershed. Not important though, everytime I look at it I like it more.

By the way, I looked up pre-ordering and it only brings up play.com, which is Brittish. Where do us stoopid Americans go to pre-order. Not super internet-savvy...:erk:
Hey btw, the fake cover art I made for the fun thread where we made our own Watershed covers has almost the same font as Travis used (Well, it has some likeness...)

How can you say this cover has the same color scheme as GR??

GR is dark brown to light brown and white.

Watershed's cover is black, with green, olive green on the Opeth writing, with white.

The only similarity is that they both have an eerie feel to them(no shit, it's Opeth) and there's a human infront of a window. Well it appears to be a human on the GR cover anyways.

Alright, alright!! Chill the fuck out! The sun probably got to mine and/or my eyes are fucked up.

