wd, comeout of the cave

So what?
Found a cool pic of Warrel,
best place to put it was this thread, i guess!
I hate those "im-metal-get-scared-of-my-dead-looks-pics"!
Smiles do the trick! :lol:



Btw: Nico, thnx for the help!!! ;)
Chromatose said:
everyone in seattle wears them
Yup, Lil' has one too!! Looks damn good on her, i'm telling ya'!!!
Next time, i'll try to steal it from 'm! :lol:
Looks like he is hiding again..
If he ever comes out?
We all should throw a HUGE boulder in front of that entrance!!!
Gimme some bulldozer pics, Chromie!!
whaha! ;)

Lillitu said:
It's baaaaa-aaaaack. This thread will apparently never die.

My hat is cooler. And less beat up that his.

Yup! it seems that some hats go through a lot!!

and we promissed at the very beginning it would never die..
so maybe we're the only ones who are taking care of it, but who cares?
It's a cool thread!!
Chromatose said:
i like the hat!

when I go to seattle I'll need to wear one too! haha

Just tell me where i can find them,i want one too!!
Here in holland we only have those silly colourfull,
bullshit quality-thingies...
I want the real thing!!
