wd, comeout of the cave

*throws a cookie to Chromo*

Man, if you go on like this, you become fat, Chromie! ;)
BUT..i'll make it a low-fat one, ok?

so, I won't give it to you so that you would avoid the temptation... :D or the danger of getting Jim on the phone. :loco: now that would be :Smokedev:

what kind of cookies? well, of course, a chef would ask such a question.
Nah, those cookies are the chef's surprise!!
I'm not about to reveal the ingredients..
first taste them, then i'll tell!! :lol:
Wha!! getting Jim on the phone, man..
he would probably say:
"hey girl, i don't know you, but i love you anyway" Cheers!!
and Warrel is hiding probably as usual..
when you need 'm? You can't find 'm!

xxx Iris xxx
Well, he HAS told me that actually, i know ;)
Ask Dead_Fetus, he was there!!
And huggin'? They are both very huggable persons!
After i said goobye to Jim in Tilburg and gave 'm a hug, i asked 'm to gave Warrel one, too. (Warrel..as usual!! was hiding again..)
Where IS that man when you need 'm? :rolleyes:
When i asked to gave Warrel one too, he said:
"Yes, gimme that one too, i'll pass it on for ya"
(he was making up excuses, just to get another one!!!)
ah, MEN!!!

xxx Iris xxx
dead fetus was in Europe? :err:
Warrel is a buddy type, Jim is a nasty uncle type. :D
I like Jeff and Van the best, and they are not alike... :)
Nah..Dead_Fetus was in Seattle..
when i called him to wish 'm a happy new year!!
Before i knew it, he pushed the phone in Jim's hands.. ;)
So, that's why...

xxx Iris xxx
I meant something else..... :D
however, it's great that they love you..... :)

it's good to be loved *sigh* but hated as well, or respected with that..... *sighagain* so romantic.... :lol:
nope..no need to..
you already know, silly!!
or atleast you're assuming!!
You're too smart for this, i just know!!

xxx Iris xxx
this whole place has become a soap opera :rolleyes:

but I was rolling my eyes about how I'm wrist deep in a role already.

If anything I could only write my own part, and that is a position I've taken a step into.
Oh no..
my imagination is going shy high now!! :lol:

xxx Iris xxx
Time to go check on the salads again!
Anyone care for a bite?