wd, comeout of the cave

BUT...looking at other pictures that are on this board..
i think a spidey suit would be better ;)

xxx Iris xxx
*in the meantime, i'll eat another stroopwafel, there are too many of them..and i can't resist their call*


xxx Iris xxx
i'll train and sweat my ass off!!
I got way too much negative energy these days that i need to get rid off!
The shittier i feel, the harder i start to work it, so it only does good to me!
And one stroopwafel isn't that bad...
maybe i get a little help with the rest of the package, i dunno ;)

xxx Iris xxx
Originally posted by Our Freequency
:headbang: np - megadeth - tornado of souls. sometimes loomis' guitarwork reminds me of Lord Mustain's. And this thread will not die!

romar has it lomis tried out for Megadeth (just before trying out for nevermore), but Freedmon got instead. Think god for small favors. In megadeth lomis would have never got to play hi onw and awesome stuff.:headbang:
Originally posted by TheSinMakesYouReal
romar has it lomis tried out for Megadeth (just before trying out for nevermore), but Freedmon got instead. Think god for small favors. In megadeth lomis would have never got to play hi onw and awesome stuff.:headbang:

I can smell the booze on the breathe of this post.
Dunno if the cat is already dead..
As fas as i've heard, the cat is still around...
Some are even capable of opening a fridge on their own,
cats are strrrong!!
Ok, this one was on steroids, but still!!! ;)

xxx Iris xxx
I hope not!!
Otherwise i would get animal-rescue on my ass..!!!
Don't wanna mess with them!

xxx Iris xxx
hehe, I'm living just the 2nd life, my time ain't close at hand... not in that aspect at least.

so, would you like Warrel's phone number? :D
Yup, i would...why not?
But..he better calls me, i feel more confident with that!
Man, i see the horror rising already!!
" hhh--hii..W-w-warrel..this is Iris..." DUH!!
I'd be laughing so hard for doing that, i might scare him!!
Or i might just say stupid things and he would prollly think i'd be stalking him.
I wouldn't have the guts, i swear!!
BIG mounth, tough girl..but when it comes to this?
I'm just a silly dutchgirl.. ;)

xxx Iris xxx