We May Need Some Volunteers


Skirt Wizard
Jul 31, 2002
Boston nee San Diego
If you live in a city that we are going to on tour (or are nearby) would you be willing to poster/flyer on our behalf? The tentative plan would be to send anyone willing to do this a few (like 3 or 4) nice 11x17 glossy posters to put up in high-trafficy places like record stores, etc. and a big stack of plain paper flyers to put up wherever. If you volunteer we would try to think of something nice to put in the package as compensation, and of course a hearty handshake upon meeting you in your respective city. DJ would probably kiss you, too, but that would be entirely at your descretion. (Depending on club arrangement in that city we could also try and get you (and a date perhaps) in on the guest list for the show).

Would anyone be interested in helping us out? I'm just testing the waters....
I could def put posters in stores, but probably can't commit to full-on flyering. if it's an option, you should also try to have people post on local msg boards or whatever.

and assuming no one is adverse to my zoo, the wife gave the okay for you dudes to stay at my house. of course, anyone who mistreats my babies is out on the street.
Awesome you guys. Avi, I'll keep you posted about accomodations, I think we have a couple options, but the chance to hang with big doggies (oh, and uh, you of course) is very tempting for me.

Astral P:we'll def. keep you posted.

KS: Very cool - we'll see how sleeping arranges work out, and we may definitely hit you up on the flyering thing.

This is makind me think about how much fun it will be to meet various and sundry people from this here interweb.
Definitely. I can't paint the town Dot but I could put some posters in local music stores and such. I'm about 45 minutes east of Los Angeles.
If I ever get my damn friend (who I do rarely see this semester) to contact the club and get you a show on the 21st yes. I have already planned to make my own crappy print-outs to pass around. I talked to him two nights ago, told him the date and he said he would do it. I'm crossing my fingers.

you dudes should be sending press release/promo stuff out to all the alt-weeklies pretty soon too, if you haven't already. some of those places have longer lead times than you'd think.
i was also already planning on doing this. i thought maybe if you put together a generic pdf with blank space at the bottom on here or your website for people to print themselves and write venue/showtime/date info to distribute at will. that'd save a bit on postage and printing for you guys. but sending them yourselves would certainly also help. Some different designs would be really cool too.

you know, because you guys have all the time in the world, right?