We, The Fans.

We, The Fans. It's not the same as We, the groupies.

It's about this fuckin' modern trend, to despy the fans, poor lesser beings. New 'rockstars' would state quotes such as: "i'm on my own", "I don't care what they think", "I make the music I like", "I don't give a shit" etc. etc. etc. They feel pretty harboured behind those arse lickers who're not anything but groupies: "Do what you want", "everything you do is cool", "you rule", "you're handsome", "may I suck your dick now?". But you can be sure these fellas aren't metal fans, just the same bastids who where yearning to go in Zeppelin's backstage... or threw their panties to poor Morrison's face... they just love the rockstar fashion, the fame, the 'coolness'.

I don't remember Halford, or Heatfield, or Dickinson shitting on their fans. They've always been kind to them and beholding their reaction after their every work. Maybe cos of that they're TRUE rock stars?

Someones should seek within themselves and find the reason why they're not paperboys, butchers or pencil developers... why are they able to live by the music.

True metal fans don't worship anyone nor kiss any arse, they just wanna listen to good music and headbang. That's the essence of the thing.

We should tell them.........we don't care "WHOSE NEPHEW THEY ARE, WHO THEY KNOW, WHOSE DICKS THEY ARE SUCKING ON.....THEY'RE GOIN OUT!!!!"..........................Strahmcallin'
Well said, Bel. Anyone who does music and because of that fact thinks they are above people is an idiot, and is obviously only doing music for that reason of ego-elavation.

You dont see charity-workers or doctors or aid workers, who do a truly worty job walking around with shades on and their shirts open offering chips to young girls backstage.