weapons and a tribute



I just wanted to say this:americans will surely "find" weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.If they don't,they will place them there and say they found them.Do you think they could ever say,oops we were wrong,indeed they didn't have weapons,sorry for the killings?
Just wanted to say it before you see it in the news and come triumphant saying "see,we were right"..if Saddam has those weapons,he will use them now,or would have used them already.What we are witnessing is the unjustified attack of a superpower against an almost defenseless nation that stands no chance,but still fights against the invaders with bravery.These are the heroes of our times,not people standing behind computers pushing a button to send missiles.The birthplace of civilization is being bombed,humanity,civilization itself is being bombed.My respects to the iraqi heroes..
taratatzoum said:
I just wanted to say this:americans will surely "find" weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.If they don't,they will place them there and say they found them.Do you think they could ever say,oops we were wrong,indeed they didn't have weapons,sorry for the killings?
Just wanted to say it before you see it in the news and come triumphant saying "see,we were right"..if Saddam has those weapons,he will use them now,or would have used them already.What we are witnessing is the unjustified attack of a superpower against an almost defenseless nation that stands no chance,but still fights against the invaders with bravery.These are the heroes of our times,not people standing behind computers pushing a button to send missiles.The birthplace of civilization is being bombed,humanity,civilization itself is being bombed.My respects to the iraqi heroes..

how ignorant:rolleyes:

you make it sound like the only reason we are going in there is to level the whole country to the ground. you seem to forget that the only things we are bombing are government complexes away from civilians. yes unfortunately some civilians have died. that gonna happen and i am sorry about. you also seem to forget that we are also shipping in humanitarian supplies to people that need them. what about the $1.75 billion in iraqi assets in 18 of our banks that we froze? We are turning around and using it to help in humanitarian aid and to help rebuild iraq once all is said and done.

iraqi heroes? the ones that surrender more and more every day because they dont want to protect a piece of shit that will have them killed if they don't go? the only ones that are defenseless are the citizens of iraq against saddam. We all know of the atrocities that he has committed against his own people. example: a ordinary citizen speaks out against something saddam does that he doesnt like. what does saddam do? he sends his "people" to this guys house and they cut his tongue out. also for good measure, they rape his wife right in front of him and any other female relatives living with him. what a great guy saddam is.

did anybody see where soldiers found a bunch of dead iraqi officers that were shot by the people they were trying to force to fight this war for them? those guys are real heroes. and before you try and turn this around with some stupid bullshit about "planting evidence" so to speak, the bullet casings around the soldiers were AK-47. We use M-16s.

My personal favorite of yesterday was were the people were greeting the soldiers as they came into town and while a soldier was ripping down a poster of saddam, an iraqi took off his shoe and beat saddams face on the poster with his shoe.

anybody notice how more people are dying in helicopter crashes then in combat and bombings combined? well at least coalition forces and civilians. kinda stupid if you ask me.
Well three bombs have "accidentally" hit Iran,which is ANOTHER nation.How can they say that they are not hitting civilians when their "smart" bombs can't even target the right nation?The Iraqi people are fighting with guns supplied by Saddam,they are defending their country from their homes,the US will have to bomb them too if they want to take their cities.An iraqi minister said that yesterday civilians were hit and 77 I think died.Don't believe everything they tell you about people surrendering,do you know the US have sent a fucking director with their army down there?It's a propaganda ministry..The leader of the opposite of Saddam's group called his people to fight against the conquerors,and this is a man who was in jail becaused he opposed Saddam..yes they have their problems but they'll solve them alone,I mean someone could say that democracy isn't working well in the US either,as Bush was elected with less votes,should other nations come and bomb you "to free you"?The whole world is out in the streets against this illegal war,a war without the approval of the UN.The USA doesn't care about international law,they are acting like tyrants.The Iraqis are as united as can be,there are traitors everywhere,did you know that 12 US soldiers quit in Iraq?
Stop the madness
wtf is the pussy UN going to do?

oooh so we pissed off the UN....the UN isn't good for much except humanitarian acts....if even that...remember Rwanda?
taratatzoum said:
Well three bombs have "accidentally" hit Iran,which is ANOTHER nation.How can they say that they are not hitting civilians when their "smart" bombs can't even target the right nation?The Iraqi people are fighting with guns supplied by Saddam,they are defending their country from their homes,the US will have to bomb them too if they want to take their cities.An iraqi minister said that yesterday civilians were hit and 77 I think died.Don't believe everything they tell you about people surrendering,do you know the US have sent a fucking director with their army down there?It's a propaganda ministry..The leader of the opposite of Saddam's group called his people to fight against the conquerors,and this is a man who was in jail becaused he opposed Saddam..yes they have their problems but they'll solve them alone,I mean someone could say that democracy isn't working well in the US either,as Bush was elected with less votes,should other nations come and bomb you "to free you"?The whole world is out in the streets against this illegal war,a war without the approval of the UN.The USA doesn't care about international law,they are acting like tyrants.The Iraqis are as united as can be,there are traitors everywhere,did you know that 12 US soldiers quit in Iraq?
Stop the madness

ok, a couple missles hit iran, it was an accident. is iran bitching and complaining? no. the situation is being worked out. as for the director, somebody has to tell the army where to go and what to do. thats what directors do, direct traffic so to speak. as for the civilians dying. this is a war. it will happen. as i said before, civilians die, yes it sucks but that is a necessay evil of war. your making it sound like were wiping out every city we enter of all its citzens. quit blowing it out of proportion. as for democracy in america, no government is perfect. technically communism would be perfect but it cant work. as far as what your saying about bushs election and other nations bombing america to "free us" is completely assenine. bush does not rule this country with an iron fist like saddam with iraq, if the US citizens want bush out of office, hell be out. if the lawmakers in washington value their jobs, they will get himn out of office. iraqis cannot do that because they will be killed or imprisoned just like the guy you talked about just for opposing him. as far as the UN goes, it can suck my cock. why should we even be in the UN. what does the UN do for the US anyways? nothing. What does the US do for the UN? lets see, we have to fight other peoples wars that we dont belong in, we send out food, aid, and money to so many other countries while we have enough problems of our own here that we need to solve but were too busy giving to the rest of the world. the problem is that we give far more to other countries than we get in return. what do we get in return? a swift kick in the balls. every country talks about how they hate america this and hate america that until a big problem arises and they come crying to us for help. then when everything is all said and done they go back to the same old shit. i hate america, blah blah blah. 12 soldiers out of over 200,000 quit. wow, thats a lot. theres always a few in every crowd.
thebigyetti said:
you seem to forget that the only things we are bombing are government complexes away from civilians.

The allied forces are bombing Baghdad for fuck's sake. How is a government building in downtown Baghdad away from civilians? The blast radius of those missiles should be like 100m or something. Even if civilians aren't killed their houses and shops are fucked. Or maybe after the war Bush will spend billions of dollars to rebuild those houses and everything? Fuck that. If I was Saddam I'd round up all those fuckhead reporters and place them in potential targets and see if they'd bomb the buildings then.
Its all about OIL, that is the bottom line...



Ihreil Junkenstein said:
There is no such thing as a war hero.
If you are forced to go into war to protect your fatherland,your family and your life,I disagree.And don't tell me they had a choice,if I tell your government to quit and give control of your land to me,if I attack you will you blame yourselves or me?
thebigyetti said:
ok, a couple missles hit iran, it was an accident. is iran bitching and complaining? no. the situation is being worked out. as for the director, somebody has to tell the army where to go and what to do. thats what directors do, direct traffic so to speak.
I mean a cinema director,not military..
as for the civilians dying. this is a war. it will happen. as i said before, civilians die, yes it sucks but that is a necessay evil of war.
Nice,but keep in mind that your civilians will die too..maybe not in the battlefield,but in terrorist attacks in 1,5 or 10 years from now.It's the only way they can fight you like you fight them.When the WTC shit happened,when I said you had it coming with your policy,many americans here asked "what have we done to deserve this"?Well watch the news,you're creating terrorists today..Bush has stated that you will go and conquer other countries as well.Stop him!
I saw the corpse of a 6 year old girl today with half her head crushed.This could be your little sister.I hope you can still say that "it sucks but that is a necessary evil of war" when you're burying your parents,your brothers,your girlfriend.
Hey, we are not fucking hitting AFRICA...thats the birthplace of mankind.....you mean we are hitting your JESUS's homeland......


You know dragonlord, i should haev known a WAR or talk of WAR would bring you out from under your rock hahahahaha..

SO, whats going on?