Wed Karaoke just got even better...

DarkOne said:
And you VERY NICE PEOPLE with video cams will be posting these somewhere for we poor souls that aren't arriving Wed? How about if I saw please? :notworthy

Steve in Philly

Sure!....until my allotment of webspace is exhausted. Videos are storage-intensive. :erk:
Bad Girl Tess said:
AH!!! You know HOP? HA! Hop, hop ;) See you soon drunkie .....

Stone cold sober.... Doesnt that scare ya even more... Hmm you must have been drunk your self when you told me that in Chicago? Margaritas' maybe? :p:p
Tarathur said:
*Weeping bitterly that I didn't know about Wed. karaoke prior to making travel arrangements*


Aw screw those karaoke singing lame asses!!! Limp wristed wanna be MF'ers!!
OK did that make you feel any better? Me Neither haha!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :Smokin:

Wish I was gonna be there too...:waah:
Okay, i think I'm braving a walk through atlanta around 9:00pm from Tech to CenterStage to see this. It's worth the risk, right? RIGHT?
mtndewqueen88 said:
Okay, i think I'm braving a walk through atlanta around 9:00pm from Tech to CenterStage to see this. It's worth the risk, right? RIGHT?

Heck, yeah! :rock:

sccaldwell, I might take you up on that storage offer if it looks like I'm running out. I have no idea how close I am. :)
Bear said:
Who remembers PPUSA 1.0 when Russell Allen got up and sang!! Classic PPUSA moment right there :kickass:

Remember it? I sat next to Russell the whole night, singing along with him to "Hotel California" (the man can sound IDENTICAL to classic Don Henley somehow!), "Stairway to Heaven," etc. It was heavenly, and one of most memorable musical times of my life. THANKS PAUL FOR HELPING ME TO ATTEND!!!
mtndewqueen88 said:
Okay, i think I'm braving a walk through atlanta around 9:00pm from Tech to CenterStage to see this. It's worth the risk, right? RIGHT?

I don't know anything about Atlanta or its neighborhoods -- except that from looking at my travel guide, all these "Peachtree" streets are confusing the hell out of me -- but can you take a cab?