Karaoke Night Info


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Karaoke Night
Vinyl's (aka vendor's room at Center Stage)
Doors: 6p (bar meals available)
Music: 7p-midnight
Cover: $5

Guests in attendance include members from:

Circus Maximus
Vision Divine

Plus Mrs. Breed will be bringing Urban along as well.
I'll give Urban Breed $20 to do Michael Jackson's 'Beat it'

I might be coming to this. Probably won't decide till last minute. But I'm sure it will be fun. No way in hell would I sing though. I'm about as bad as they come. Unless.. I can do Darkthrone. In that case, no singing is required >_>. Or some banshee screams for Emperor.
Cheiron said:
No way in hell would I sing though. I'm about as bad as they come. Unless.. I can do Darkthrone. In that case, no singing is required >_>. Or some banshee screams for Emperor.
IMO that is the point of karaoke. It's no fun when everyone who gets up there is good. I love to see the people who are bad. It's so cute --although sometimes slightly annoying-- mostly cute!
Bad Girl Tess said:
IMO that is the point of karaoke. It's no fun when everyone who gets up there is good. I love to see the people who are bad. It's so cute --although sometimes slightly annoying-- mostly cute!

Tess just signed up!!!! :kickass:
Cheiron said:
I'll give Urban Breed $20 to do Michael Jackson's 'Beat it'

I might be coming to this. Probably won't decide till last minute. But I'm sure it will be fun. No way in hell would I sing though. I'm about as bad as they come. Unless.. I can do Darkthrone. In that case, no singing is required >_>.

No bass, either. :lol:

Or some banshee screams for Emperor.

Heck, just drop by karaoke at The Office (Indian Trail, 2 mi. E of I-85) on some Monday night and bring your most evil CDs. Or any CDs; my friend Josh hosts it and allows people to sing along to their own. This can get........entertaining.

No, I haven't attempted to sing yet. :heh:
Bad Girl Tess said:
IMO that is the point of karaoke. It's no fun when everyone who gets up there is good. I love to see the people who are bad. It's so cute --although sometimes slightly annoying-- mostly cute!

I would love to see you singing. :saint: :rolleyes:
lady_space said:
You, my friend, have a gift. That would be mad fun. :)

Anyone who can talk Urban into doing karaoke, I'll buy a drink.


Well we will have some Swedes in the house... Oh and a challenge for Beer!! I am on it!!!!

(Urban) Dancing Queeeeeeeeeen, young and freeeeeeeeeeeeee only Seventtttteennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!

(Prog Power All Star Choir) woooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooo

guardian26 said:
Mike are you gonna sing??

Yeah as long as our flight schedule doesn`t mess things up or the custom-officers stir things up:headbang: Soon we`ll sing together on : " The cops see me rollin...trying to catch me driving dirty..trying to catch me driving dirty" Yeah right:rolleyes: HAHAHAhahahaha:loco:

Any song suggestion?

See you soon:kickass:
Mike Maximus said:
Yeah as long as our flight schedule doesn`t mess things up or the custom-officers stir things up:headbang: Soon we`ll sing together on : " The cops see me rollin...trying to catch me driving dirty..trying to catch me driving dirty" Yeah right:rolleyes: HAHAHAhahahaha:loco:

Any song suggestion?

See you soon:kickass:

Shit yeah!!! I would personally love to hear your version of Eyes of a Stranger!!! :headbang:
Riding dirty!! HAHAH. Someone actually said that to me the other day, "you aint never catching me riding dirty." Those cooky criminals, they think they are gangSTA!