Weeding out the collection?


Oct 14, 2003
Wyvern's post in another thread about weeding out stuff that he does not listen to got me thinking.... do you guys get rid of many albums that you don't like or do you hang onto them just for "the collection"?

The older I get the less "weeding out" I do, hell I've got shit in the collection that I've not played in 10 or 12 years but I just can't bring myself to get rid of it. Don't get me wrong, if I completely hate an album it's out the door real fast, but most metal albums I end up keeping even if I'm not too hot on them. I have been thinking about weeding out some of the newer metal bands I've picked up over the last couple of years though, some have only been played a couple of times and then shelved.

So what do you guys do with the so-so stuff you pick up?
I kept most of them but I'm definitely probably going to sell off 6-7 of them because they are so shitty.
I used to be quite quick to get rid of stuff I didn´t like the first time I heard it, but I´ve gotten better at giving records a second chance, and thanks to that I´ve discovered quite a few gems in my collection. For instance the record Born To Expire by Leeway. I bought it on a fieldtrip in sixth grade for 19 swedish kronor, it was in a used record bin at the store, and I didn´t care for it very much. But I hung on to it and a couple of years later I gave it another chance and loved it! So i guess if you don´t like a record, wait a few years, and then give it another chance. If you still don´t like it...sell it! haha :D
Over the years I´ve sold some albums I had stopped listening to and there definitely are quite a few albums in my collection which I think I won´t listen to anymore, but I usually find it hard to let go of any of my albums, sometimes because there are certain memories connected with them (e.g. Lita Ford´s "Dancin´ On The Edge" was the first metal album I bought), sometimes because it´s a special edition (like e.g. Count Raven´s "Storm Warning" in blue vinyl or two Vixen picture-shapes) and sometimes because I think: "Well, you never know, maybe one day I´d like to listen to this album again."

Some CD´s I wouldn´t mind to get rid of are some of those samplers which are included in music magazines and usually feature between 10 and 18 songs from different bands from upcoming albums, sometimes also some videoclips. Only rarely do I find some songs on these CD´s that really impress me.
If it has only 3 good tracks or less, It is out the door, but before that I record those 3 or less tracks to a comp.

If the 3 songs are really good, I might keep it though
Greeno said:
Wyvern's post in another thread about weeding out stuff that he does not listen to got me thinking.... do you guys get rid of many albums that you don't like or do you hang onto them just for "the collection"?
I learned a hard lesson when it came to getting rid of stuff whether it be CDs or Tshirts in the fact that I gave away / got rid of stuff that I could no longer find to this day. I regret that. Now, from that experience I NEVER get rid of anything, even if I think it sucks or don´t really get into it. Sometimes albums need time.
Greeno said:
Don't get me wrong, if I completely hate an album it's out the door real fast, but most metal albums I end up keeping even if I'm not too hot on them.
Same for me, it has to be total shameful crap to be added on my selling list.
Otherwise I never get rid of anything... Maybe I hold some jewels in my shelves that I have almost never played :) Sometimes you're so much in a buy mood that you don't give some albums the time required to grow on you.
I got rid of bad purchases, ones that should never had been made in the beginning. Now I don't get rid of anything because I'm very careful buying :D
Fangface said:
Same for me, it has to be total shameful crap to be added on my selling list.
Otherwise I never get rid of anything... Maybe I hold some jewels in my shelves that I have almost never played :) Sometimes you're so much in a buy mood that you don't give some albums the time required to grow on you.
I'm the same way. If I buy something I keep it 99% of the time.

Depends on the band really. If there's an album I don't like but its by a band I love such as KISS or Motley Crue or Bon Jovi I'll keep it for the collection but albums I never listen to by bands I don't really care about I'll sell.
I try not to dwell on my stupidness of getting rid of stuff through selling and swapping , specially vynils , I can kick my own ass when I think of what I had ( too many to mention).Now I keep EVERYTHING!
If I get a crappy one by a band that has a few albums out, I'll hang on to it for the collection. If it's crappy and a band that is new to me, I get rid of it. I keep all the so-so CDs. As wyvern said, I'm pretty careful about what I buy. With the amount of money I dump into the collection, I can't afford to be taking hits.
Well, I must be the best weeder around as I sold ALL my 80's vinyl a few years ago. Well, they were just catching dust AND most important, all stuff I liked and wanna hear again I can still lend it from the guy or I buy the re-releases on CD. I also have a huge MP3 collection from the best stuff I had..It was just a decision that was right that time, I'm sure it would be different now. Sold it to a young collector like Fang who has an enormous oldschool collection. He got it for a steal, as I was sure it went to a good place.... his collection boosted with a 1000 in one time, hehe, the kid went a bit quiet seeing it all coming out of the closet... I'm sure some of it would fetch decent prices at ebay or so, but I didn't wanna throw my youth away like that. To be honoust, I would rather had given it away to the guy being sure it's sitting right there...
Like Carnut I trade my vinyls for the respective CDs years ago (maybe I shouldn't but space is a luxury I don't have) keeping only genuine arty pieces of difficult to get stuff like:

Iron Maiden - "No Prayen For The Dying" in clear red vinyl
Black Sabbath - "Black Sabbath" gatefold open made in Italy (33 giri per secondo) with 'Evil Woman' but not 'Wicked World'
The Saxon I had (because Saxon was so dificult to get on CD)
The Baron Rojo Rojo I had (idem)
Some crap that wasn't good enough to be turned into CD
carnut said:
Sold it to a young collector like Fang who has an enormous oldschool collection. He got it for a steal, as I was sure it went to a good place.... his collection boosted with a 1000 in one time, hehe, the kid went a bit quiet seeing it all coming out of the closet...
Was the guy called Jerry by any chance?

By the way I'm not a young collector... at least not for vinyls ;)
Fangface said:
Was the guy called Jerry by any chance?

By the way I'm not a young collector... at least not for vinyls ;)

Sorry, was mixing up knowledge and collecting, no , his name is Jachim.
A guy I know recently bought a job lot of vinyl from someone he works with who had just lost a relative and they were clearing the house. He got about 50 vinyls for £100 and when he sorted through them he got a copy of Panteras Power Metal. I wish somebody would offer me that kind of deal. The best of it is though the guy doesn't own a record player! As for me I never get rid of anything even if I never listen to it I've got rid of so much other stuff that defined my youth that my music is really the only thing left that has travelled through the ages with me. I have moved around alot and so my stuff is about down to bare minimum apart from my books and music collection that is :D
One thing that I have found myself "weeding out" is a a lot of my KISS stuff, the merchandise. And some of the records too. There's stuff that I have just to have.
Why? That's what I asked myself & began to dismantle the collection. I think what really got me think about this was the fact that, I have lost all respect for Gene & Paul, for continuing with the paint & not the original line-up. In fact I got some KISS stuff on ebay right now that I hope sells, just so I won't have to holding on to it. My question is, has this happened to any of you guys? Where you have dedicated so much time in collecting their stuff & then, you begin to dunp it for whatever reason?
sixxswine said:
One thing that I have found myself "weeding out" is a a lot of my KISS stuff, the merchandise. And some of the records too. There's stuff that I have just to have.
Why? That's what I asked myself & began to dismantle the collection. I think what really got me think about this was the fact that, I have lost all respect for Gene & Paul, for continuing with the paint & not the original line-up.

I know exactly where you come from , I've gotten rid of a lot of Metallica stuff that way ( everything post the black album ) , the thing is just , you tend to not buy things that you already had and sometimes it's just nice knowing that you have a shitload of metal in your collection.
I hope don't regret doing that - like I sometimes do ( not the Metallica ....yet)
I've never sold back anything in my life, personally. I've always thought that it would never be worth it, as what you get back usually is about 20% or less of what you purchased it for. Then again, I don't have an excessively large collection of stuff that I bought on a whim because of financial restraints that I've had throughout the years.

In other words, if I bought it, I really put some thought and research into it before purchasing it. Now, that's not to say that I don't have some dogs in the collection, it's just, like I said before, not really going to be worth it to sell them.