Your collection

Greeno said:
Right on! The first couple Icon albums were great. Was thinking about changing my avatar, not sure what cover to use next..... maybe an Exciter cover.
Personaly I really like "Night of the Crime". The vocals on that albums just do it for me. I also Love "Welcome to the Club" From Kick Axe.
Kick Axe are awesome! I love all those thumping big riff anthem hair metal bands in the mid 80s. Keel were the best of the lot! :rock:
How about Malice? To me they kinda fit in there with Icon and Keel. The first Malice album was my favorite.... just picked up both albums on cd not long ago.
Greeno said:
I'm sure you're not the only one, just the first one with the balls to admit it. :)

Let me ask you another question, JonnyD, do you consider your cd's as a collection? Why I ask is because I have a friend like you, his stuff is scatered all over the house, and he does not consider it a collection, even though he has over 1000 cd's it's just music to him. Like one time he spent $50 on an LP and asked me to put it on CD for him, then he told me to just keep the LP. To me that's crazy but to him he got what he wanted, the music. Don't get me wrong, the music is the driving factor, but the "hunt" for that rarity is also part of it for me.

Well to answer that question I would have to say yes I do think of it as a collection, Every Cd takes me back to when I bought it what was going on then and so on so yeah its a very deeply personal collection I just cant seem to ever get them back where they belong :p But I have a wide variety of metal and some classic rock I have everything from the stones to Motley crue to Morbid Angel I dont really like the idea of Genres and what not its all fukin metal to me :) I do enjoy Hunting down rare items (atleast rare to me) Like the Pre-Cowboys Pantera albums it took me years to get ahold of those things but its not like I put them in a case or box or something like that to never be heard again Cause in that sense I bought it to listen to it not to look at I hope that answered your question :)
JonnyD said:
Like the Pre-Cowboys Pantera albums it took me years to get ahold of those things

That's some good stuff right there! The only one I still need to pick up is Power Metal. Those puppies are expensive, paid about $40 for each of my vinyls. I don't own or like any of the stuff from Cowboys From Hell on, not sure why, just can't get into them.
Greeno said:
That's some good stuff right there! The only one I still need to pick up is Power Metal. Those puppies are expensive, paid about $40 for each of my vinyls. I don't own or like any of the stuff from Cowboys From Hell on, not sure why, just can't get into them.

Power Metal is the best one :) they are fukin expensive :hypno: lol cowboys is the best from the era I thought ... But its interesting to listen to that old stuff you can really hear early developments that would be come Pantera that most ppl know its interesting stuff to say the least
JonnyD said:
Power Metal is the best one :)

I agree!! I have a burn of it but ... MUST... FIND... REAL... COPY... :) It's funny how most Pantera fans don't even know these albums exist.
baldyboy said:
never heard anything pre cowboys,but i love that album and the next one.someone told me once that they had an album out called heavy metal that true?

They had 4 albums before Cowboys.

Metal Magic
Projects In The Jungle
I Am The Night
Power Metal

They are all worth checking out. They got heavier on each release.
baldyboy said:
thanks for the headsup on thier earlier stuff greeno.i think they will however be a "try before you buy"if you get my meaning.

Yeah, you may want to sample these first :) ... if you're into Pantera these may cause lite headedness.

They are pricey. I considered $40 to be a steal beacuase I've seen them go for up to $100!
baldyboy said:
thanks for the headsup on thier earlier stuff greeno.i think they will however be a "try before you buy"if you get my meaning.

The next time I uploaded stuff for you guys to check out I'll include some of this stuff.
Yep the pre-cowboys stuff of Pantera is pretty good. My favorite are "Projects in the jungle" and "Power metal". I got those when they came out.