weird habits...

I don't have very many I'll openly talk about (yes, I have that many...) But er... lessee, appropriate ones. When reading a book or finding a new webcomic, I'll read the whole fucking thing if I don't close the window or put it down. I spent 14 hours in one day in July reading 800+ pages of 8-bit theater to catch up on what I'd missed.
I edit almost every one of my posts, several times.

I tend to sleep on the left side of my body, and if on a bed, on the right side of it.

My left arm shakes uncontrollably when ever I have to do anything that requires attention and precision. In order to counter this, I always hold tools with my right hand. It also happens when I'm generally nervous about anything, although, funny enough, no one I have met from this board has asked me about why I keep my left arm behind my back a lot. :lol:
I make it a point not to stare at someone that often, and when I did look toward you, your arm wasn't behind your back that I remember.

Another habit: I have to suppress laughing maniacally when I confuse someone.
i'm weird about sleeping on my sides, too. like, i really can't even breathe well unless i'm sleeping on my side, usually left one.

the weirdest and most prevalent one i have is that i pluck out my eyelashes. i usually do it when i'm either bored or stressed. i wasn't doing it for a while but just started to again, i guess because i have 2 pretty big projects that i'm not really getting anywhere on.
I make it a point not to stare at someone that often, and when I did look toward you, your arm wasn't behind your back that I remember.
i wind up staring at people (people i know or strangers) either too long or too often and am just painfully obvious when i look away or try to stop looking. i guess it's because i'm both REALLY bad with faces and because i pretty much never wear my glasses outside of class and driving my car.

Another habit: I have to suppress laughing maniacally when I confuse someone.
but why would you STOP doing that??
I snap my toes almost constantly when barefoot. Especially when any sort of music is playing. Seeing as how they're long, mutant "fingeroes," it can get pretty loud.
If I'm nervous I'll bite the inside of my mouth/lips until it bleeds and grind my teeth. I clean my ears out once or twice a day. I can't STAND to see pimples, even if Peter has a tiny one from shaving on his face I make him pop it or do it myself. I'm not grossed out by them I just want to POP 'em. I eat my least favorite thing on my plate until I'm done with it, and move on until I finish with my favorite food.
Haha I pop all of Derick's pimples too. We both pick at each other's backs almost daily and cheer when there's pus. Pus is fun...
I have some weird cracking my fingers shit... Every few drags from my cigarette (which is always held in my right hand), I crack my right thumb.

Oh, and the first thing I do when I wake up is crack my neck.
If I'm nervous I'll bite the inside of my mouth/lips until it bleeds and grind my teeth. I clean my ears out once or twice a day. I can't STAND to see pimples, even if Peter has a tiny one from shaving on his face I make him pop it or do it myself. I'm not grossed out by them I just want to POP 'em.
jeez, that stuff made me realize just how bad my "face picking" habits are.

i hate using chapstick so my lips are always dried and chapped and i constantly pick dead skin off of them, no matter how painful it is. if it bothers me enough, i'll even do it when i'm talking to/listening to someone, then i'll have blood on my teeth.
i always pop or pick at my pimples, too.
and there's the ear and eyelash stuff.

jesus, is there anything short of hypnosis i can do to stop this shit?