weird habits...

jesus, are your pets on valium? no way either of my cats or the dog would sit still and allow anyone to dig into their ears unless they were being held down.

I don't pick at them really, I just tackle them and wash their ears out with the solution the vet gave me. It's been flung in my face several times.

I pick at my cuticles constantly, I almost always have one or two that bleed.

Oh, and I can't stand boogers, I'd stick a bottle brush up my nose if I had one.

I crack my ankles constantly.

I make up and sing my own songs all the time. Little ditties about not wanting to go to work, cuz I hate it there, I'd rather stay at home and sit in my underwear. And so on and so forth.
I pick at my cuticles constantly, I almost always have one or two that bleed.
gahhh! *cringes* i am sooo bad hearing about stuff like that. whenever someone talks about having their fingers or toes in any way injured i just can't listen. i'm not as bad when it comes to it happening to me, but i still freak out pretty bad. well, i honestly can't stand to have either my hands or feet touched at all.
I forgot one: I preen my receding hairline constantly. If one hair is sticking out, I get annoyed and must fix it at the soonest possibility.

Apparently hair is an immune privileged area on the body so it isn't attacked by the immune system. Theoretically you should be able to transplant hair from other people and it should grow on your scalp. You could become patches the hair stealing serial killer.

Okay that was quite random, but it would be pretty dang awesome.
gahhh! *cringes* i am sooo bad hearing about stuff like that. whenever someone talks about having their fingers or toes in any way injured i just can't listen. i'm not as bad when it comes to it happening to me, but i still freak out pretty bad. well, i honestly can't stand to have either my hands or feet touched at all.

That is.....odd.
I've broken several of my fingers snowboarding. It's a lot easier than you'd think.
Apparently hair is an immune privileged area on the body so it isn't attacked by the immune system. Theoretically you should be able to transplant hair from other people and it should grow on your scalp. You could become patches the hair stealing serial killer.

Okay that was quite random, but it would be pretty dang awesome.


The only habit I can think of is that I obsess over my hair too much, much like a fag :lol: It has to be washed often, brushed, and parted perfectly.
If I'm nervous I'll bite the inside of my mouth/lips until it bleeds and grind my teeth.

I used to do that all the time, especially when I had braces. It would start with one simple scratch causing a small flap of skin for the tongue to find and I would pick at it with my teeth, which of course only made it worse by expanding the wound and opening more tiny flaps of skin to chew on. My dentist once asked me why my cheeks were so raw once and when I told her, she looked at me like I was an alien or something. Thankfully, I have stopped doing that.

I pop many joints in my body way too often, most of them several times a day. I just counted them all and it's 40 joints not including my neck or back, which is probably puts at least another 10. I do 11 on each hand, but my ring fingers are exempt (it hurts to pop those for some reason). I have tried to stop because I know it's annoying other people (when other people do it, it annoys me :lol: ). But sooner or later, they just need popping.
this board's full of crazies, what do you expect?

actually, most people's habits don't seem as ... off the wall as i was expecting. or they just make me realize how fucked up mine are, i dunno.