weird habits...

I just remembered...I drum on things with my fingers too much. It's the same sort of thing with the toe snapping. I try not to do it in front of people too much but I've caught myself annoying Derick with it a few times :p

But, everyone's asleep! *drums and toe snaps*
I yell through my windshield at people who can't drive. A lot of the time they can hear me, since I drive with a soft-top.

I open my fridge probably 50 times in a day for absolutely no reason. Habit, since when I was a kid, I was fucking fat and had to be stuffing my mouth full with something at all times.

I'm very picky about the littlest things, yet not when it comes to larger things. Such as, Orange Juice brands... or, mild, medium, or old cheeses... Even organization of my fridge... if it's out of place, I freak. Making sure my whites are washed separate from my darks, even though it's no longer necessary since colors don't run with today's detergents.

I have a habit of stopping a gossip loop. Ya know, one of those juicy gossip tips about a friend... Yea, usually if it ever comes my way, that specific friend in mention is the next on the list of finding out the juicy tid-bit. Same goes with a couple who insists on telling me something that they tell me first, rather than their significant other. If they can't find the decency to talk to them first, then I'll do it for them, I don't care the repercussions. I hated it when it was being done to me, so others can suffer the hard fucking truth.
Ugh I hate any sort of dead skin on my face. Any pimple I have turns into a million layers of dead skin, and at a certain time of the month (just due to hormones), the area around my mouth gets really dry and starts peeling. I've spent a good hour before just picking dead skin off my face.
I just remembered...I drum on things with my fingers too much. It's the same sort of thing with the toe snapping. I try not to do it in front of people too much but I've caught myself annoying Derick with it a few times :p

But, everyone's asleep! *drums and toe snaps*
i don't know why that reminded me, but when my thumbail on my right hand is long enough, i'll punch little splits into the bottom edges of papers and pages in books. at first it was something i just did when i was bored in class, but then i started doing it obsessively and would have people being like "wtf are you doing??"

this thread has become ENTIRELY too much of a self-realization process for me :ill:
I rub constantly at the mole on the right side of my face. I chew my nails... I wear my watch on my RIGHT wrist, and I always pick at the back of my right ear, since skin likes to build up there even with cleaning.
Haha I pop all of Derick's pimples too. We both pick at each other's backs almost daily and cheer when there's pus. Pus is fun...

Haha monkeys! I rarely get pimples and get so excited when I discover a new one. Especially when it's gone unnoticed for a couple of days and builds to a ripe juiciness. I saw a man at the airport before I went to Heathen Crusade with a MONSTER of one on his neck, I kept whispering to Peter that I wanted to run over and squeeze it ...then the guy went to the bathroom and came back with it popped! He took all my fun!!
Haha monkeys! I rarely get pimples and get so excited when I discover a new one. Especially when it's gone unnoticed for a couple of days and builds to a ripe juiciness. I saw a man at the airport before I went to Heathen Crusade with a MONSTER of one on his neck, I kept whispering to Peter that I wanted to run over and squeeze it ...then the guy went to the bathroom and came back with it popped! He took all my fun!!

Awww. Haha, when Derick knows he's got one building up he saves it for me :p

Pimple, that is.
Frequently, instead of using a Q-tip, I like to clean my ears with a corner of a paper towel. I roll it up into a little point and scratch deep into my ear canals. Then, I take it out and unroll it, to can see all the ear juice on it. Apparently I have liquid earwax, as opposed to solid earwax.

Frequently, instead of using a Q-tip, I like to clean my ears with a corner of a paper towel. I roll it up into a little point and scratch deep into my ear canals. Then, I take it out and unroll it, to can see all the ear juice on it. Apparently I have liquid earwax, as opposed to solid earwax.

well i guess that just makes you special or something, doesn't it.

and the paper towel thing is a good idea!
Frequently, instead of using a Q-tip, I like to clean my ears with a corner of a paper towel. I roll it up into a little point and scratch deep into my ear canals. Then, I take it out and unroll it, to can see all the ear juice on it. Apparently I have liquid earwax, as opposed to solid earwax.


Yus! I like to use pen caps meself. When I pick my ears or blow my nose I always have to look at it. I clean Peter's ears out a few times a week and pick at the cats and dogs to make sure theirs are clean. I have a problem.
Yus! I like to use pen caps meself. When I pick my ears or blow my nose I always have to look at it. I clean Peter's ears out a few times a week and pick at the cats and dogs to make sure theirs are clean. I have a problem.
jesus, are your pets on valium? no way either of my cats or the dog would sit still and allow anyone to dig into their ears unless they were being held down.
I forgot one: I preen my receding hairline constantly. If one hair is sticking out, I get annoyed and must fix it at the soonest possibility.