Weirdest looking bands/musicians?

Portal wins:

Psh, Portal are just a bunch of lame Residents wannabes.



Could you perhaps elaborate on what makes "Portal > them"? Cause I have a hard time believing you've actually seriously listened to the Residents. Not that I've listened to much of Portal, but based on their show at MDF they are a shallow gimmick compared to the deconstructivist genius that was the Residents.
Could you perhaps elaborate on what makes "Portal > them"? Cause I have a hard time believing you've actually seriously listened to the Residents. Not that I've listened to much of Portal, but based on their show at MDF they are a shallow gimmick compared to the deconstructivist genius that was the Residents.

quit being such a nocturnalnemesis about this.

Portal is okay...
but the few residents songs I listened to on youtube werent very good, and given they have 24653743857 albums, I'm not even going to bother.
Could you perhaps elaborate on what makes "Portal > them"? Cause I have a hard time believing you've actually seriously listened to the Residents. Not that I've listened to much of Portal, but based on their show at MDF they are a shallow gimmick compared to the deconstructivist genius that was the Residents.

I prefer Portal's music to that of The Residents?

And haha, what? How did their live show prove to you they're some gimmick back? Maybe it was the environmental surroundings during their set but they definitely brought to mind the horrific imagery their music, lyrics, and image convey perfectly in a live setting.

I've listened to The Residents on the occasions that a friend of mine who loves them has come over. I'm not huge into them, but I do like what I have heard.
I'm not trying to say Portal suck at what they do, but unless what I heard of them at MDF was somehow unrepresentative of their overall body of work, the scope of their music is pretty narrow -- i.e. they seem like a one-trick animal, which is not at all the case with the Residents. More importantly, the Residents were insanely original and creative.
No one is claiming them to be as diverse as The Residents, but one thing I will give Portal is that they have made a clear and conscious effort to evolve from album to album.
One trick pony? Portal? You must be thinking of a different band, dude. Portal are a unique breed of death metal. Chaotic, experimental, noisy, unexpected. All in all a phenomenal band in my honest opinion. Whether or not the costumes are a gimmick, I dont give a shit. They look badass, and alot less gay than bands like Dimmu.
Portal does not look bad ass, and unfortunately their music doesn't save them. It's well played death metal, but nothing mind-blowing. A band that uses image gimmicks needs to have some impressive songs for me to take them seriously.