crimsonfloyd Active Member Apr 18, 2002 8,040 1,904 113 40 Los Angeles, CA Visit site Jun 10, 2018 #61 Immolation, Incantation, Graveland, and Enslaved. These bands have pretty big discographies and when I listen to their worst albums, they're still pretty solid.
Immolation, Incantation, Graveland, and Enslaved. These bands have pretty big discographies and when I listen to their worst albums, they're still pretty solid.
Phylactery Active Member Feb 3, 2016 4,070 3,032 113 United Kingdom Jun 10, 2018 #62 Dak said: Those bands were already nominated. Every nominated band will be available for voting for a top 10 next round. Click to expand... Oh I see! I thought you were only putting ones through that had received the most votes.
Dak said: Those bands were already nominated. Every nominated band will be available for voting for a top 10 next round. Click to expand... Oh I see! I thought you were only putting ones through that had received the most votes.
Einherjar86 Active Member Jan 15, 2008 18,523 1,995 113 The Ivory Tower Jun 20, 2018 #63 The Ozzman said: Post-Tales material is consistent af Click to expand... Eclipse through Beginning of Times is basically the same album four times. So yeah, pretty damn consistent. Reactions: The Ozzman and Dak
The Ozzman said: Post-Tales material is consistent af Click to expand... Eclipse through Beginning of Times is basically the same album four times. So yeah, pretty damn consistent.
Dak mentat Aug 9, 2008 24,341 2,813 113 Among the Horrors Jun 20, 2018 #64 For those maybe wondering, I'll be posting the vote thread soon. Been busy.
The Ozzman Melted by feels Sep 17, 2006 34,077 3,798 113 In My Kingdom Cold Jun 21, 2018 #65 Einherjar86 said: Eclipse through Beginning of Times is basically the same album four times. So yeah, pretty damn consistent. Click to expand... BoT was definitely the weakest of those 4
Einherjar86 said: Eclipse through Beginning of Times is basically the same album four times. So yeah, pretty damn consistent. Click to expand... BoT was definitely the weakest of those 4
CiG Approximately Infinite Universe May 22, 2015 49,216 28,099 113 36 The Wildflower State Aug 3, 2018 #66 Saint fucking Vitus Solitude Aeturnus Revelation Autopsy Saxon Reactions: Master_Yoda77
Bloopy Active Member Feb 10, 2008 3,053 1,954 113 New Zealand Aug 4, 2018 #67 CiG said: Saint fucking Vitus Solitude Aeturnus Revelation Autopsy Saxon Click to expand... Voting in the actual poll is effectively still open as it hasn't been tallied up yo. Saint mothershitting Vitus made it in: Reactions: CiG
CiG said: Saint fucking Vitus Solitude Aeturnus Revelation Autopsy Saxon Click to expand... Voting in the actual poll is effectively still open as it hasn't been tallied up yo. Saint mothershitting Vitus made it in:
CiG Approximately Infinite Universe May 22, 2015 49,216 28,099 113 36 The Wildflower State Aug 4, 2018 #68 Bloopy said: Voting in the actual poll is effectively still open as it hasn't been tallied up yo. Saint mothershitting Vitus made it in: Click to expand... Can't believe Autopsy or Solitude Aeturnus didn't make it in yet some of the worst dogshit bands did. Ah well, most of what I'd vote for made it.
Bloopy said: Voting in the actual poll is effectively still open as it hasn't been tallied up yo. Saint mothershitting Vitus made it in: Click to expand... Can't believe Autopsy or Solitude Aeturnus didn't make it in yet some of the worst dogshit bands did. Ah well, most of what I'd vote for made it.