Well the Anthrax of old is here again.


Feb 14, 2002
Who knows why there back. Only they truly know. I'm gonna miss John. Will he be back? Who knows. We'll see how the tour does and think Scott and Charlie are thinking the same thing. I am just glad Anthrax one of my favorite bands of all time, My first metal band I ever listened too, is still around playing the music that I love. I will always be a fan no mater what form Anthrax takes. I truly believe Life Of Agony sparked this whole reunion craze! I been a fan since 1987 and have never seen Anthrax with Joey so I guess now I will get my chance.
LOAroberto said:
Who knows why there back. Only they truly know. I'm gonna miss John. Will he be back? Who knows. We'll see how the tour does and think Scott and Charlie are thinking the same thing. I am just glad Anthrax one of my favorite bands of all time, My first metal band I ever listened too, is still around playing the music that I love. I will always be a fan no mater what form Anthrax takes. I truly believe Life Of Agony sparked this whole reunion craze! I been a fan since 1987 and have never seen Anthrax with Joey so I guess now I will get my chance.

i didnt get to see original line up but they come come full circle now,i cant fucking wait!!!
This is great news for me.
I loved John and think We Have Come For You All was the band's finest effort to date, but I this line-up with Joey is classic. I liked Kiss with Paul, Gene, Eric and Bruce too, but Kiss with Ace and Peter is just the way it should be.

Grew up in Trenton, NJ. I became an Anthrax fan in 1983 when I purchased a 45 single of "Soldiers of Metal". Got to see this line-up twice on the "Spreading the Disease Tour", in NJ at City Gardens and in NYC at L'Amour.

Living in the deserts of New Mexico these days. I hope you guys make it out here.
Man that hurt. Whinebag. If you don't like it, don't buy into it. All I am saying is that you are far from showing you are a true fan. Don't let the door hit you in the ass. You can pick up your violin to play on your way out.