West Coast wants Tad Morose


Apr 20, 2004
Always Somewhere!
do I have to fly you guys out myself to get you to play on the West Coast?!?!?! I know logistics are everything.... someday I know you will take over the world but for now I'm just whining because I've missed two of your N. American shows. Soon I hope...soon. Till then I will just keep cranking and playing my cd's while moving pictures of the band across the floor :tickled: :tickled:
i hope that happens, at the same time, East Coast fuckin wants Tad Morose! hah. and yes, they will conquer the universe.

......6 years later.......

"Tad Morose, now supreme ruler of the world, has launched another tour and is due to be playing on the moon. Opening will be Iron Maiden, Blind Guardian, Brainstorm, Metallica, and Sabbath. Now let's go to Jim currently on Mars, where Tad Morose is readying to depart."

"Hey Claire. Well as you can see tad morose up on the balcony there. Next to them are KittyBeast, No-Mercy, Bryant, Dagormundshark, Imagikafan, Gaunerin, Ladyspace, and Kim K- long fans and members of the TM board. Down below we have gathered all the rappers, as you can see they are know bowing down to the Gods Of Metal. Now we can go to Sam who is now in the lobby with TM."

"Well here is legendary Tad Morose, now guys....what do you expect to do this tour?"
Urban: "We expect to kick some ass, and revolutionize the universe with the best creaton known to man....METAL!!"
Sam: "Well, there you have it. Tad Morose, the king's of the world, and the god's of metal."

----Every goes black......and some mist forms along the bottom of stage----

DUN DUN nunu. DUN DUN nunu. DUN DUN nunu. DUN DUN nunu.
Chchdodododo Chchdodododo Chchdodododo Chchdodododo
kittybeast said:
do I have to fly you guys out myself to get you to play on the West Coast?!?!?! I know logistics are everything.... someday I know you will take over the world but for now I'm just whining because I've missed two of your N. American shows. Soon I hope...soon. Till then I will just keep cranking and playing my cd's while moving pictures of the band across the floor :tickled: :tickled:

You can make cutouts of the band and turn them into paper dolls. Then you can dress them up in Kiss costumes and stuff. :D

No-Mercy said:
i hope that happens, at the same time, East Coast fuckin wants Tad Morose! hah. and yes, they will conquer the universe.

......6 years later.......

"Tad Morose, now supreme ruler of the world, has launched another tour and is due to be playing on the moon. Opening will be Iron Maiden, Blind Guardian, Brainstorm, Metallica, and Sabbath. Now let's go to Jim currently on Mars, where Tad Morose is readying to depart."

That would be totally cool !! Since gravity on Mars is only about 40% of what it is on earth, we could all jump about six foot in the air in the moshpit.

Apparently, it's supposed to mean to pilfer or steal, but I thought it sounded good! From now on, snarf shall be defined as follows:

snarf /'snärf/ v. to suck a substance (as a liquid) into one's sinus cavity from one's mouth and then spew said substance through one's nose (usu. on a computer monitor screen). -ed, -ing
kittybeast said:
do I have to fly you guys out myself to get you to play on the West Coast?!?!?! I know logistics are everything.... someday I know you will take over the world but for now I'm just whining because I've missed two of your N. American shows. Soon I hope...soon. Till then I will just keep cranking and playing my cd's while moving pictures of the band across the floor :tickled: :tickled:

I hear you, kb. Tad Morose has kicked my ass twice now, so it would be great if the band would play out here. :headbang:
lady_space said:
Apparently, it's supposed to mean to pilfer or steal, but I thought it sounded good! From now on, snarf shall be defined as follows:

snarf /'snärf/ v. to suck a substance (as a liquid) into one's sinus cavity from one's mouth and then spew said substance through one's nose (usu. on a computer monitor screen). -ed, -ing

:tickled: :tickled: :tickled:
dargormudshark said:
No, get wrestling action figures....the ones that have long hair atleast. and then get the kiss action figures' instruments and give them to TM
If you all did not know.... my husband is a toy collector ( cygirls, g.i. joe, star wars, dragon toy soldiers, etc. etc.) I have many figures to choose from and can kit-bash some action figures and make Tad Morose members... the hardest part is finding the leather clothing. David (hubby) is currently kit-bashing and making a flying dragon female demon figure. He chose blue for the wings and tail. she looks pretty awesome. soon i will post a pic.
dargormudshark said:
No, get wrestling action figures....the ones that have long hair atleast. and then get the kiss action figures' instruments and give them to TM

Yeah but you can't do this kind of stuff with a "Nature Boy" Rick Flair doll........


lady_space said:
OMG, that's just so *wrong*!!!!! ROTFLMAO!!


P.S. I have Kiss action figures

Yeah I guess I was just waaay too bored. I must admit, it's kind of fun though. :loco:

As far as your action figures, I guess they are "collectors items" but when I was a kid I mixed and matched. I would pop the head off my Spock or Kirk and stick it on my GI Joe.

Urban needs to give us some updates of the new album coming up or I'm gonna start putting his head on Udo's body. :loco:
