What are the best bands on Code666?

Each act really stands on its own, your best bet would be to check out the BETTER UNDEAD THAN ALIVE compilation to get an idea of all the bands on their roster ...

My faves are Negura, Aborym and Bloodshed
Nugent, you can order our stuff here: www.code666.net/webstore ;)

I always love all our bands so I can't help you suggesting the best ones , but there's a poll in this Forum about this, so maybe you can have some additional opinions there.
BTW, the Lurch idea is good.
Negura Bunget are easily my faves... haven't been able to stop listening to 'N Crugu Bradului for about 2 weeks now... great stuff! :Smug:

The worst thing, though is: I received the promo to review, and love the album soooo much that I decided to buy the original version... and that bloody silver sticker that all Italian labels stick on their releases has destroyed the packaging - the main reason I bought the thing :yell:
My sticker ame right off with no probs. :D

As far as the best bands go, Aborym, Negura Bunget, Diabolicum, Thee Maldoror Kollective, Enid, and Manes are worth attention.

I recently ordered the new Manes album. I'm ready for a mindfuck. :dopey:
I'd say Negurá Bunget, appreciated & supported, np .... but since Nordvargr got also signed up there it's a hard fight ehehe ....