What are you doing at this moment?

Ok if you say so, I really can't be assed to argue. If I let people get in the way of the music I like I would hat CoF, Which I don't.

There's a difference between CoF and SOAD. I like CoF they are actually good. Old Trivium is good too. So is As I lay Dying, Shadows Fall, All that Remains and a bunch of metalcore bands. Fuck anyone who says otherwise. It's called opinion naggers. and imo in the case of SOAD: shit sux.
There's a difference between CoF and SOAD. I like CoF they are actually good. and imo in the case of SOAD: shit sux.
I'll agree with this much. In fact- Viva La Bands will be here on Halloween and they'll be at my venue. I'm the runner- Dani and crew will be in my car! I plan on pleading to know if anything off Vempires, Principle or Dusk and Her Embrace will be on the setlist.

I haven't seen them since 2001 and although it's the Dani Filth Show at best, I'm still pumped.