Is it just me or it's really really really hot outside?![]()
Trying to explain what 'Brüno' is about for a friend .. The explanation: It's gay. I don't know what to say, it's just gay. From start to the end.
Its an Austrian Fasion TV host, who is very flamboyantly gay, experiencing America for the first time, being placed in situations you wouldn't normally find gay people. There.
just got home from running up and down these motherfuckers.
reading the threads here
this place makes me laugh and lose faith in humanity at the same time
also reading >
EDIT: Hover over the red circle for bonus lulz
*shakes head sadly*
I'm so glad I dropped religion a long time ago.
Watching me? What does that have to do with heatBecause I was watching you.
it's you babe![]()