vikk Member Nov 29, 2005 21,533 97 48 Sep 11, 2009 #8,321 having some self-Depreciation thoughs and blaming my parents, fuck yeah!
CliffBurton Member Nov 12, 2005 10,465 30 48 37 Ontario Sep 12, 2009 #8,323 I made, and am eating some egg fried rice. Its pretty terrible. Edit: Soysauce made it good :O
Works0fheart Active Member Aug 21, 2008 3,088 68 63 Florida Sep 12, 2009 #8,324 Getting ready to venture to the gas station and harass them for a job some more... yarr.
Ensi CAT WITH FUKKEN PODS Nov 15, 2007 6,838 17 38 Norway Sep 12, 2009 #8,325 Just playin sum TF2, as snoipah, I r aswum.
Muffin cottage cheeae Feb 26, 2006 3,796 13 38 Norway Sep 12, 2009 #8,326 why are the norwegians up, i see ensi and bodomonkey, and obviously myself I'm at dads house and matress sucks My back is gonna turn into a steel rod haha Edit: on topic; reading up on Kinetic Energy weapons(APFSDS) and other random stuff yay
why are the norwegians up, i see ensi and bodomonkey, and obviously myself I'm at dads house and matress sucks My back is gonna turn into a steel rod haha Edit: on topic; reading up on Kinetic Energy weapons(APFSDS) and other random stuff yay
Bodomonkey Member Jul 16, 2007 5,713 0 36 32 Norway Sep 12, 2009 #8,327 There's a party in the neighborhood. They're playing loud music.
Ensi CAT WITH FUKKEN PODS Nov 15, 2007 6,838 17 38 Norway Sep 12, 2009 #8,328 There's a... Well, there is this one guy who .. Uhh..
Ensi CAT WITH FUKKEN PODS Nov 15, 2007 6,838 17 38 Norway Sep 12, 2009 #8,329 LEAVE ME ALONE I'M ONLY HUMAN
marfal66 Member Dec 5, 2007 2,883 0 36 Deurne (BE) Sep 13, 2009 #8,331 Had a fight at the camping of a festival we went to. lost my chair in the process
Swabs HAHA COOL Oct 9, 2006 12,183 41 48 s Sep 13, 2009 #8,333 Listening to a new Katatonia song.... OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG
vikk Member Nov 29, 2005 21,533 97 48 Sep 13, 2009 #8,334 to be honest, i was expecting something more along the lines of Unfurl, but sounds good anyway
Nerve Record Collector Aug 1, 2006 4,007 20 38 The Great Cold Distance Sep 13, 2009 #8,336 Swabs said: Listening to a new Katatonia song.... OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG Click to expand... I've listened to it 745 times since you put it on Facebook. And... None of their songs will ever defeat "Unfurl".
Swabs said: Listening to a new Katatonia song.... OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG Click to expand... I've listened to it 745 times since you put it on Facebook. And... None of their songs will ever defeat "Unfurl".
Celeb Member Mar 28, 2007 1,508 0 36 Finland Sep 14, 2009 #8,339 Watching the last episode of True Blood S02
Nerve Record Collector Aug 1, 2006 4,007 20 38 The Great Cold Distance Sep 14, 2009 #8,340 Listening to the promo CDs of forthcoming records... This fall we'll have some excellent music, and some fucking ugly, as usual...
Listening to the promo CDs of forthcoming records... This fall we'll have some excellent music, and some fucking ugly, as usual...