What are you doing at this moment?


This just proves you're incapable of thinking with your own brain. Propaganda FTW!

Vidkun Quisling wasn't bad guy at all.

Hahahaahaaha.. THAT was proof? I bet you believe in every retarded conspiracy theory out there too. Go play somewhere else, nazifaggot.
I didn't know they had elections in Norway. I just thought there was a church-burning contest.


Yeah it's annual competition there.

Hahahaahaaha.. THAT was proof? I bet you believe in every retarded conspiracy theory out there too. Go play somewhere else, nazifaggot.

So you are butthurt christian, I knew it. This just shows that you aren't able to understand nihilism.

thanks for sig <3

You're welcome :)
what are your worries regarding who will be elected? i mean what are each platform and why the worries?

My worries are that he won't go through with the promises he made about tightening the immigration policies, the current government got reelected, so I don't think we'll see any extremely drastical changes from what we already have gotten. Just more defined than the past 4 years, as they were pretty much cleaning up from the clusterfuck of the previous government.

The opposition we're pretty extremist this year, very "all immigrants = criminals" and so forth.

A lot of people are worried that the prime ministers party(Labour) wants to drill for oil outside Lofoten, as he didn't say his stance on this before the election. I hope he will though :p

I'd prefer a pure labour government, instead of having the hippie party "SV" involved, as they're pretty much against anything that isnt environmentally friendly, but this is the world of politics i guess, you win some and you lose some.

Just hope that faggot wont start trying to get Norway into the EU
You will, eventually. I hate EU, it's new Soviet Union.

For my point of view, atheists are almost worse than christians or some other major religions. Dumb fucks who think they are right.

if you call atheists+christians stupid and you are a satanist then you are fucking retarded
You will, eventually. I hate EU, it's new Soviet Union.

For my point of view, atheists are almost worse than christians or some other major religions. Dumb fucks who think they are right.

I hate the EU too, with a passion. I'll seriously man a rebellion if they try to pull that shit on norway.

Most atheists are worse than christian, especially in the fact that they not only push their views on others, but they blame every other religion for doing the same, and using that as proof against them.

I'm an atheist in the sense that i do not believe in a god, I'm a man of science, it's really not much more to it than that, people can believe in whatever they like.
I hate the EU too, with a passion. I'll seriously man a rebellion if they try to pull that shit on norway.

That's the spirit. But beware, see what they did to Ireland...

Most atheists are worse than christian, especially in the fact that they not only push their views on others, but they blame every other religion for doing the same, and using that as proof against them.

I'm an atheist in the sense that i do not believe in a god, I'm a man of science, it's really not much more to it than that, people can believe in whatever they like.


Satanism is a bad word. Most people think it's automatically bad and tr00 evil shit. On the contrary it's about respecting yourself, individuality. So, you could say I'm partly satanist, cus I mostly believe in myself, but still I question everything and everybody.