but if a christian goes to Irak and starts doing same kind of thing, he probably gets shot immediately.
I like how is everybody against immigration because of their religion, but all your fucking countries are poisoned with christianism, and you don't say a word.
So we're supposed to just sit back and let it flow because its making us hypocrites?
But really, I wonder, what's wrong with normal reserved religious people who do not preach their religion in your face and go about with their faith and keep it to themselves? What bad could they possibly do to you? You hate them just because the religion can "potentially" go out of hand and turn extremist? Do you also hate every firearm in the world, because in the wrong hands it can potentially turn into murder? Knives? Poisonous fish?
Do they start wars?
Nationalism is a dangerous thing.
I don't see anything wrong with being proud of one's heritage and ancestry/history, and wanting to protect it and its culture, in their very own country.
Right, I was just agreeing with you, and perhaps elaborating a bit on what I thought you meant.
And when they do get in trouble, they call it racism.
What I hate the most is that all of these muslims and nigras, pull out the race card every opportunity they get.
They come here, get free stay, free money, the jails are like 5 star hotels here.. And they don't follow the law or try to implement themselves to our rules at all. And when they do get in trouble, they call it racism.