What are you doing at this moment?

not wanting to sound trve kvlt, but i really hope for some human cleansing in the next few years. Today' mentality and living forever? without mentioning overpopulation.

edit@ but like the kid said, experience something like Stars Wars universe shit, would be aewsome
Doesn't matter anyways, unless there's gonna be a way to put people on another planet, the immortality won't be made available to everyone... the fucking world is already overpopulated as it is. It opens up a whole new can of worms, I can only hope I get rich enough somehow to be on the of the lucky immortals who get hidden away on an island. :lol:

oh you bellend, now you've got me thinking of this fucking ace short story thats online somewhere and I can't remember the name of that either.

Looks like I have a few hours of searching to do :wave:
not wanting to sound trve kvlt, but i really hope for some human cleansing in the next few years. Today' mentality and living forever? without mentioning overpopulation.

edit@ but like the kid said, experience something like Stars Wars universe shit, would be aewsome

i read some bullshit pamphlet that says all the swine flu medicines are gonna activate a virus that kills everyone who took them at some point, and that the world's governments want to reduce population to 500 million so that they can stop global warming and shit :lol:
i read some bullshit pamphlet that says all the swine flu medicines are gonna activate a virus that kills everyone who took them at some point, and that the world's governments want to reduce population to 500 million so that they can stop global warming and shit :lol:

500 million? :lol: That's like 2 big countries only :p
You know as much as I hate to admit it, I know that that is no Heaven, at least not what people think. I think in 50 years people will let go of religion as a crutch once technology progresses to explain more of life's mysteries.

We may leave our bodies and travel through space as a different energy, who fucking knows, but we're not just gonna keep this form and be chilling in a paradise, makes no sense... I think death is just like going to sleep, except with more shit going on, panic and hormones released to combat that panic. When I was 5 I was attacked bu an Akita Wolf, a huge fucking dog. I lost like 3L of blood, had all my ribs on the left side broken and had a collapsed lung. I was basically unable to breath and nearly ex-sanguinated. I remember trying to breath and I couldn't, I remember the guy who saved me from the dog sliding his fingers into the puncture holes to try and stop the bleeding, I remember with each half-breath I exhaled, the feeling of warmth that rushed down my stomach and leg (which was actually torrents of bloodflow)... and then it went black.

For me if I never work up in the hospital full of tubes, that would have been my death. No angels, no light, just blackness.

This thread is getting too deep for me :p
:lol: Prick... ironically it was a neighbour's dog I knew very well, a friend of mine said he was a mean dog... so I went to pet him and show the kid he was wrong... the last words I said to the dog was "No he's a good dog" :lol:

Fucking owned. (Although to be fair some kids were pelting it with rocks just before I arrived apparently... and surprise surprise, it was my pals!)
You know as much as I hate to admit it, I know that that is no Heaven, at least not what people think. I think in 50 years people will let go of religion as a crutch once technology progresses to explain more of life's mysteries.

We may leave our bodies and travel through space as a different energy, who fucking knows, but we're not just gonna keep this form and be chilling in a paradise, makes no sense... I think death is just like going to sleep, except with more shit going on, panic and hormones released to combat that panic. When I was 5 I was attacked bu an Akita Wolf, a huge fucking dog. I lost like 3L of blood, had all my ribs on the left side broken and had a collapsed lung. I was basically unable to breath and nearly ex-sanguinated. I remember trying to breath and I couldn't, I remember the guy who saved me from the dog sliding his fingers into the puncture holes to try and stop the bleeding, I remember with each half-breath I exhaled, the feeling of warmth that rushed down my stomach and leg (which was actually torrents of bloodflow)... and then it went black.

For me if I never work up in the hospital full of tubes, that would have been my death. No angels, no light, just blackness.

This thread is getting too deep for me :p

Deep Brah

bad bad dog :( he didn't finished the job


Also, I believe (hope) that humanity will advance to the point of being able to populate the galaxy. Our true aim should be the continuation of our species until we understand everything there is to know about the universe and the cosmos we live in. When the sun dies out, IF we are still around we shouldn't be sat here waging war on each other we should be far out in other galaxies well prepared and far enough away to survive a supernova. I mean heck by that time we should have the technology to sustain a sun or atleast make use of the energy released by a supernova.

I'm going to stop now before I start sounding like even more of a faggot
When the sun dies out, IF we are still around we shouldn't be sat here waging war on each other we should be far out in other galaxies well prepared and far enough away to survive a supernova. I mean heck by that time we should have the technology to sustain a sun or atleast make use of the energy released by a supernova.

I'm going to stop now before I start sounding like even more of a faggot

:lol: Dude we won't be around by the time the sun burns out, no fucking way in hell :lol: And even if the universe will end and start over eventually anyways, then we have to get into wormholes and time travel to avoid that...

:lol: Dude we won't be around by the time the sun burns out, no fucking way in hell :lol: And even if the universe will end and start over eventually anyways, then we have to get into wormholes and time travel to avoid that...


Why the lack of faith brah. Theoretically we could use the power of stars to survive until the last stars burns out, then we're totally fucked.
Does anyone here have any experience of admitting to a religious family that you've lost your faith?
I want to do it so badly but I'm not sure I have the balls to face the consequences.
I lost like 3L of blood

>10 Year olds have ~3L blood in their body

When I was 5


also the dog was actually a bear with chainsaw hands and it was 10 foot tall and had a shark for a head

Not saying your story aint legit brah, just nitpicking

also the concept of living forever scares the fucking shit out of me

We're not talking invulnerability here, so there is no forever(as we understand the universe today, it's expanding faster and faster, if this continues(lets assume it does), it will start ripping shit appart down to sub-atomic levels, you wont survive that)

@Sun dying out; The core of the earth is gonna turn cold long before that, so we really should start looking for another place before that happens

So what is more likely, FTL/Wormhole travel, slowboating in cryostasis, or slowboating in a massive craft with some forms of artificial gravity and growth habitats etc?
>10 Year olds have ~3L blood in their body

Just going by what I was told man, I was close to being totally ex-sanguinated. I remember I was bleeding a shitload, everytime I exhaled... I was in shock so bad like I didn't focus ont he fact I was bleeding everywhere, I was just fixated on like the warmth of the blood just cascading down the front of my body from my stomach to my thighs.

And also, random memory, in the initial attack, I didn't even know wtf was going on, the dog was shaking me like a ragdoll and I got sand in my eyes from all the commotion and that was like the most painful part of it to be honest :lol:

Not saying your story aint legit brah, just nitpicking

Well it is the internet so nitpick away :lol: But I do have the scars and the saucer-sized section of my back that is paralyzed to prove it :loco:
We're not talking invulnerability here, so there is no forever(as we understand the universe today, it's expanding faster and faster, if this continues(lets assume it does), it will start ripping shit appart down to sub-atomic levels, you wont survive that)

@Sun dying out; The core of the earth is gonna turn cold long before that, so we really should start looking for another place before that happens

So what is more likely, FTL/Wormhole travel, slowboating in cryostasis, or slowboating in a massive craft with some forms of artificial gravity and growth habitats etc?

I meant like when I was religious. The concept of an afterlife scared me as much as if not more than a possible lack of one. :lol:
Also slowboating seems most likely in the forseeable future, some kind of generation ship (like in the novel Ship of Fools, freaky-ass book), we near enough have a lot of that already, and we'd need crazy technology to access wormholes/create FTL spaceship drives (we can't even go on manned missions to Mars ffs :lol:), and the cryostasis thing would only work if they could stop people aging/rotting/choking/decaying/dying in the chambers.
JI was just fixated on like the warmth of the blood just cascading down the front of my body from my stomach to my thighs.

If there ever was something as "gore pedophilia", i'm sure this would be gold.. Sorry :lol:

No but i hear ya man, certain details like how much blood loss and stuff gets exaggerated very fast, not saying it wasnt serious in no way, it clearly was, as pretty much proven on how you describe your own reaction too it. The fact that sand in your eyes hurt more than the other wounds are pretty much telltale signs that your brain got flooded with pain signals and cut it off.. that you passed out from the blood loss and the scarring, man, sounds like you're pretty lucky to be alive, rough stuff :/

I meant like when I was religious. The concept of an afterlife scared me as much as if not more than a possible lack of one. :lol:
Also slowboating seems most likely in the forseeable future, some kind of generation ship (like in the novel Ship of Fools, freaky-ass book), we near enough have a lot of that already, and we'd need crazy technology to access wormholes/create FTL spaceship drives (we can't even go on manned missions to Mars ffs :lol:), and the cryostasis thing would only work if they could stop people aging/rotting/choking/decaying/dying in the chambers.

Ah i see. Yeah totally, there's also speculations on wether one in the future, with computers massive in power and storage beyond what we can imagine, that we could basically "store" the state and position of every single atom in the body, every electrical impulse and all that majizzle, and then at the end of the journey rematerialize or something. Wether this is possible or not, i'm uncertain of though. I don't have a big insight in particle physics or anything, but if the uncertainty principle applies to this, then i presume that storing the particles complete state and such would be impossible. I'm sure Leandro has more insight in this than me though.

I read an interesting article on a proposed propulsion system that could be compared to the "warp" thing from star-trek. The idea was that if you distorted spacetime, or the fabric of space if you will, around the space craft, or rather contract spacetime infront of the ship, and expand behind it; you could in theory "ride" on this wave. It would create a form of "warp bubble" where the ship itself is stationary, therefore it could effectively have absolutely no speed limit, and go beyond the speed of light by tenfolds, and there would be no G forces on the ship, not even time dilation would affect the ship, so one would be able to travel from earth, to the nearest star, and back, in the blink of an eye, without having any ill effects.
Of course this requires technology beyond what we have and a tremendous amount of energy. But from what i understand, it's mathematically plausible, if not possible.