What are you doing at this moment?

I really do not reccomend you trying that one out. I didn't eat for about 2 days because I had a fever and now I am having trouble eating at all =/

Stomach is hurting and unsettled. It's just generally not really nice way to feel.
Shitting myself as to whether or not I actually locked my car door. I'm in bed now, and if I went to check I'd piss off the entire family by waking them up. I'm sure I did it, it's one of the things that you learn to do instinctively as soon as you step out the car... But because I do it without thinking, I can never remember if I actually did lock the car.

Ah well, I'm sure that if I was being safe enough to hide the stereo and put the keys out of sight in the house, I would have locked it. I'm in a nice area too, can't remember the last time I heard of a car theft around here...

... Inb4 car gets stolen.
Tell me about it.My grandma is in the hospital,and she isnt a serbian citizen so we have to pay her treatments and costs.It wouldnt be the problem if my mother hasnt lost her job last week due to economy collapse.My aunt,someone who is very close to me,got a cancer again.Life sucks.

Shitting myself as to whether or not I actually locked my car door. I'm in bed now, and if I went to check I'd piss off the entire family by waking them up. I'm sure I did it, it's one of the things that you learn to do instinctively as soon as you step out the car... But because I do it without thinking, I can never remember if I actually did lock the car.

:lol: This happens to me EVERY fucking time I leave my apartment. I always forget if I locked the door. I have a 50 inch plasma tv, 17 inch and 16 inch laptops, a desktop and 22 inch monitor... I'm fucking on the bus wondering to myself if they're gonna be gone by the time I get home :lol:

Bawling like a baby to Moulin Rouge. I'm a sap. I acknowledge this.

:lol: Haven't seen that movie in years, I recently watched The Lion King and Home Alone... Free Willy is next on my list, thanks for the addition.
:lol: I have a car actually, nice little Dodge Stratus. But no license, not a full one anyways. The license testing centre union was on strike here for like 4 months and only was resolved January 5th. They have a such a backlog now that people who had expired licenses are now valid until July 2011 and the people who needed their final test (like me) to get a full license got fucked over and have to wait, I read in the paper the backlog could be a year. They are only doing tests for people who need it for a job or really urgent.

I hate the fucking bus, the drivers are pathetic cunts and the whole service in general here is shit tier. I am going to end up stabbing one of them someday. It is not a matter of if but when. Hopefully I can get my shit sorted out soon so I can drive my ass to school :lol: