What are you doing at this moment?

I'm writing a really stupid Chinese essay. Fuck. Well, at least I get to have some fun with Obama-bashing in it, lol.
When you were in highschool did you have Curtis Bell from some CFL team talk to your school about pot? He went around Ontario giving lectures, and acting like "IM TOUGH, THIS IS REAL LIFE, DRUGS ARE BAD, RAAWWR". Someone in our school cracked eggs on the hood of his car :)

We had some shit thing like that, fucked if I can remember any details though. Possibly because I was under the effect of something or other at the time.
Wut? Its weed, the most only cutting involved is trimming leaves and stem. I assume you mean it was laced, which is still grimy. Whoever sold you that shit should probably get their teeth kicked in. People like that make me sick.

Yeah, I meant laced. My bad. And yeah probably should have known it was gonna be dodgy since the guy who bought it got it at a music festival down south.

You do know that lacing drugs with other drugs then selling it for the cost as the original drug isnt really in the drug dealer's best interest so that generally doesn't happen. The dealer could have gotten an ounce laced which shit from someone else, realized no one wanted coke laced weed and in an effort to just get rid of it, lie and sell it to kids.

Well it could be possible that a dealer would lace his weed with a more addictive drug so that people go to him rather than the other dealers who's weed would seem to be a lot weaker. As I said above, wasn't bought from a local dealer so I have no idea how it came to be laced.

The reason I know it had phet in it is because my friend who was taken to hospital after we smoked it was tested and told that he had traces of it in his system.
I dont worry about laced weed that much, cause there is no reason to lace weed with other drugs. Most dealers talk about it like a special feature, and of course charge extra. Why would a dealer lace a weed with other expensive drugs and charge the same price? He wouldn't.
I dont worry about laced weed that much, cause there is no reason to lace weed with other drugs. Most dealers talk about it like a special feature, and of course charge extra. Why would a dealer lace a weed with other expensive drugs and charge the same price? He wouldn't.

Well yeah, this is the only time I've ever seen it happen and I used to smoke shit loads of weed a few years back.
Plus I don't know how much my mate paid for it tbf, he could have paid alot more than normal with it being at a festival and all.
Well yeah, this is the only time I've ever seen it happen and I used to smoke shit loads of weed a few years back.
Plus I don't know how much my mate paid for it tbf, he could have paid alot more than normal with it being at a festival and all.

I dont know what happened tbh.Could a guy selling both regular weed and laced weed mix up the bags?Even though drug dealers are not evil psychos like most people think,they are just people trying to make a living and they have their own a bit specific ethic so i highly doubt drug dealer would risk your friend ending up in hospital on purpose .Its probably just an accident.
Phet is a dangerous thing,can cause psychotic reactions(been to too much psy trance parties so i know).People on phet may attrack attention and cops, and no drug dealer wants cops obviously.

I allways take weed from my trusted dealer and I dont smoke weed so much tbh .I prefer poppy tea.
If you're going to be an 0mGaawddAlexi!!!11 fanboi, can you please chose a smaller picture, one where 1/5 of the image isn't horrible, greenish black teeth.
This is everything I'm going to need this night!
I'm so seriously bored to death :O Dunno what to do... Been a long time since it's BEEN THIS BOORRING!!! >: O
And btw @ Aries Wild Child; where did you find that pic of Alexi in your avatar? :)

I'd very much like to know what you guys are doing tonight/today :)