What are you doing at this moment?

Shooting an animal for fun... my pals tier activity.

Nah dude, is cool

You just mad cause you're a hippie faggot and cannot into hunting because silly ideals that animals dont give a shit about

edit: and cus im stylin on ya

edit2: plus the cal is on ya
Not pissed :lol: And I already figured a few people here would be all "omg think of the animulz ;_;" about hunting :p
Nah dude, is cool

You just mad cause you're a hippie faggot and cannot into hunting because silly ideals that animals dont give a shit about

edit: and cus im stylin on ya

edit2: plus the cal is on ya

Canada is one of the top hunting nations in the world, I've grown up with it and I'm definitely not a hippie about it. All I am saying is if it was with a knife or traps, then hunting would be cool in my eyes, but picking off a deer or whatever with a rifle is pretty much like dropping dynamite in a lake. Not really much class in the kill, eventhough hunters think it is because you go in the woods and wait around around and feel entitled to the kill after doing so. Enroll in a paintball league or the army if you want to feel badass and shoot things.

Have you noticed at the Olympics the blacks win all the running events and the white guys win all the shooting events.


:lol: Took you a few months but you finally said something funny...
Canada is one of the top hunting nations in the world, I've grown up with it and I'm definitely not a hippie about it. All I am saying is if it was with a knife or traps, then hunting would be cool in my eyes, but picking off a deer or whatever with a rifle is pretty much like dropping dynamite in a lake. Not really much class in the kill, eventhough hunters think it is because you go in the woods and wait around around and feel entitled to the kill after doing so. Enroll in a paintball league or the army if you want to feel badass and shoot things.

:lol:! You're one to speak about class :p

The thing is that, other than liking the food and enjoying the whole tracking and spotting thing, there is a severe overpopulation of both Deer and Moose in this country. There are very few predators here in norway capable of taking down large game, mainly bear and the occational wolves, and they arent exactly abundant.
The deer population has exploded, and with it the population of ticks and other pests. Deer is considered a pest now, and in some places(mainly islands/peninsulas) they are in such high number that theyre starving, due to the lack of sufficient food supplies.
The hunting season controls this, and every educated hunter(grabbing a rifle and running inna woods aint happening) can apply(usually as a team) for a certain amount of game, and the permits will be issued as per the needs of Viltnemda(the governing control of wild animals) to satisfy the balance needed.
I get no satisfaction out of a kill(because I'm not a psychotic retard, i just pretend that i am :dopey:), and if i wanted to just shoot at things, theres always silhouette and target shooting(which i also do, you cannot into hunting unless you have at least 400 shots out of your weapon, to ensure that you know how to operate it sufficiently to kill the darned thing on the first shot, and thus limit any potential suffering).

Besides, haters gonna hate and hunters gonna hunt :p

And paintball is gay :yell:


they made a Glock sight system for our upstanding young ethnically african-american gentlemen
>Implying my pals use sights

They're called "Marksmen Competitions", not "Bodega Robberies".


picking off a deer or whatever with a rifle is pretty much like dropping dynamite in a lake.

How would using a trap be better? You leave it there, come back next day to a deer that's been suffering from trap-wounds for however many hours, and finish it off with a knife? Also your example is fucked up, id say its more like taking a hook with a worm through it at the end of a string and dropping that in a lake, hurr. Although I guess the overpopulation thing kinda ruins it, but the actual hunting, tracking, and finding of the animals is supposed to be the run part. Otherwise he'd just apply for a job at the slaughterhouse.

There are many appealing ideals behind hunting. I want to hunt pretty bad just because I want to kill, clean, and prepare meats I've caught myself...the idea of it is just intense, controlling the entire process. The whole sustaining yourself off the land, woodsy woodfags who like hiking and outdoors and shit, shootan and making campfires and drinkin' weee!!!!

I didn't get a chance to really go camping this summer :(