What are you doing at this moment?

I was raised around this kind of thing most of my life, I'm kind of indifferent to it. Camping and such is fun, getting drunk with a few of your friends around a campfire and eating good bbq or grilled whatever. I wouldn't consider myself a redneck, woodsy kind of guy, but I've never met anyone who has tried it and not enjoyed it. Also, who the hell doesn't love shooting a gun?
I don't even care if I don't kill anything, it's still fun to set up some cans and bottles and whatnot and see who can hit the most.

Also, agreed at all that Cliff said.
Fuck you guise, shooting is awesome. Just the feeling of loading a bullit into teh weapons, hearing all the mechanisms click and do their shit... Pulling the trigger, feeling the recoil and hitting your target, so awesome.
Fuck you guise, shooting is awesome. Just the feeling of loading a bullit into teh weapons, hearing all the mechanisms click and do their shit... Pulling the trigger, feeling the recoil and hitting your target, so awesome.

Wel-... Actually no.
Fuck you guise, shooting is awesome. Just the feeling of loading a bullit into teh weapons, hearing all the mechanisms click and do their shit... Pulling the trigger, feeling the recoil and hitting your target, so awesome.

Fuck you guise, shooting is awesome. Just the feeling of loading a bullit into teh weapons, hearing all the mechanisms click and do their shit... Pulling the trigger, feeling the recoil and hitting your target, so awesome.




:-* Come one we get along

if not, I should have recommended some shitty monitors :lol:
How would using a trap be better? You leave it there, come back next day to a deer that's been suffering from trap-wounds for however many hours, and finish it off with a knife?

I meant like, Survivorman style where you set the trap AND WAIT BY IT, not leave. I wasn't suggesting beartrap or some shit :lol: More like some crazy twignoose shit. And really, I wasn't really serious. I understand the whole primal urge to want to hunt and kill your own food, and the feeling hunting and tracking an animal gives you... but guess what you can still do that without killing it. Our ancestors used to put leeches on their dicks and rub feces in open wounds. Do that instead.

Although I guess the overpopulation thing kinda ruins it, but the actual hunting, tracking, and finding of the animals is supposed to be the run part. Otherwise he'd just apply for a job at the slaughterhouse.

Well, overpopulation isn't a reason to hunt :lol: if an animal population needs to be culled it should be done by experts one time, then have measures put in place to help keep the population down. If that fails then back to culling but really, if the solution to any problem nowadays is "Just kill it" then it is pretty much a bullshit idea. inb4 hurr duur who cares about a deer.
Well, overpopulation isn't a reason to hunt :lol: if an animal population needs to be culled it should be done by experts one time, then have measures put in place to help keep the population down. If that fails then back to culling but really, if the solution to any problem nowadays is "Just kill it" then it is pretty much a bullshit idea. inb4 hurr duur who cares about a deer.

brotip: nature won't let itself be controlled in that way, hunting them is by far the most cost-effective way to do this. The government doesn't give enough shit to pump several million dollars into a project that might potentially fail("measures" don't exist as of now, theres no guarantee that your fantasy sollution will work).

It's a simple sollution to a problem, killing a fair amount of birds with one stone.
The deers get to be regulated so they dont kill themselves due to full retard.
The hunters get to excersise their hobbies.
The government gets a quick and easy way to regulate deer/moose population.

It just works, and it aint gonna change anytime soon.

Besides, a clean shot is going to drop the animal before it knows whats happening. If you go all black person with knife on it, theres a fucking gigantic chance that you'll just wound the animal before it escapes. Enjoy tracking an animal for 20 hours in the forest, because of your shitty ideals(leaving an injured animal is illegal, you committed to killing it).

Man just answer, are you gonna eat him or her or will you just leave that dead moose in the forest after fuckin it?
:lol: The meat will be eaten :p

It will be a him if anything, because the quota for moose cows has been more or less filled by now
Ok dude, if you gonna eat the meat I dont see any problem as animals are killed for their meat everywhere anyday. And if there s even a overpopulation...
And then, the killing it with a knife shit is worse than shooting that poor fucker.

Btw Deer meat rocks. here are some deer recipes which you all might like:
yummy deer
I meant like, Survivorman style where you set the trap AND WAIT BY IT, not leave.

Much manlier, but what to mkae the trap out of? How about I make it out of me sitting in a tree with a rifle ready...sit and wait by it!!!

Feeding oneself =/= ancient medicine. We know cockleeching does nothing so we don't do it...but as times change, we still need to eat food. The meat at a grocery store was probably raised and killed by a bunch of redneck fucks.
Ok dude, if you gonna eat the meat I dont see any problem as animals are killed for their meat everywhere anyday. And if there s even a overpopulation...
And then, the killing it with a knife shit is worse than shooting that poor fucker.

Btw Deer meat rocks. here are some deer recipes which you all might like:
yummy deer

Wait long enough, people stop checking that shit :(
