What are you doing at this moment?

The fact that you felt the need to come into this thread and somehow verify your "totally badass harshness" by commenting about it kinda negates your attempt at seeming cool.
I was going to wholeheartedly agree with you but then I remembered the name of this thread.....So I guess it applies...Gay...but....applicable... gah I'm torn.
The fact that you felt the need to come into this thread and somehow verify your "totally badass harshness" by commenting about it kinda negates your attempt at seeming cool.

words 'totally badass' were not used.

>implying I think being a prick on a Bodom forum makes me fucking hot shit


I thought that was DMX for 2 seconds :lol:
hmmm.......someone should make a dubstep thread...*cough*

Non-Metal recommendation thread is FULL of dubstep, and other goodies.

Oh come on now...what I said goes with the song :p
Don't worry, she only posted here becasue her boyfreind did, then they broke up and she tried to make her non-insane-or-jealous exboyfreind jealous by posting here about her current boyfiends (and basically nothing else). Needless to say, she failed, and got made fun of, but still posts here to shake her ass on camera.

Most of us really don't give a fuck that its her birthday :p

>Implying copying Swabs will redeem yourself, because you're hardcore

Got to my parents place, house was empty except for the dog. Took a shower, got out of the shower and heard a kitchen chair move upstairs. No one was supposed to be home till late afternoon so i took the one ar15 i had left here out of the safe, loaded a magazine up with 20 rounds and cleared the whole top half of my house in 30 seconds. A fucken chair moved, and my dog hates chairs. Someone moved a chair!