What are you doing right nao?

Finally got an MRI Scan scheduled for my back. I only had to "waste" another 6 months at the physiotherapist before the doctor agreed to it. Now I probably only have to wait another 2-3 months to get it done.
But hey, at least im getting one.
Finally got an MRI Scan scheduled for my back. I only had to "waste" another 6 months at the physiotherapist before the doctor agreed to it. Now I probably only have to wait another 2-3 months to get it done.
But hey, at least im getting one.

That sounds tragic tbh.
Why did it take a doc 6 fucking months to agree for a scan?
I had to wait 3 months to get my hormones tested when internist thought i might have PCOS, so i went to a student's hospital to get it done faster or I wouldnt be able to sleep 3 months while waiting for results. Everything was good, thank Jesus.
just worked out, now I'm listening to Moby while being slightly annoyed at life which is actually the top level of my current moods
Why man? Being away from the missus?

Kids are asleep. my woman is away having a drink with her best friend and I'm at home listening to some Vader whilst emptying a 0.75 bottle of heavy 10% Hertog Jan Grand Prestige beer :kickass:
