What are you doing right nao?

Sometimes I hate my team at work, fucking drones. We have meetings and many times its like people have no idea or thoughts about why we have the meeting or what we are supposed to get out of it. Sometimes not even the teamleader seems to have an idea of why we are having the meeting. Its so fucking frustrating that im about to explode.
Enjoying the english arsenal of Doom Metal Subgenres. "Post "The Observer" on Friday" quickly became translated to "post three songs in 10 minutes". Well, it's solid promotion anyway hahaha. Now I understand what Jonas has to deal with with the fakken Desolator orders :rofl::eek:
Cheering that elections are tonight and internet will finally shut up about it. Just a week of butthurt trump / clinton supporters and it will finally be over, jesus fuck. Almost 2 years of this cancer.