What are you doing right nao?

Just had a fucking bizzare dream.

Apparently I was a chick that got into an accident and something happened to my face that doctors had to completely shut my mouth (as in fucking getting rid of it) otherwise i would bleed out. But they also made a hole in my neck so I could breath (maybe in this reality noses dont work as intended or i got it wrecked too somehow).
Anyways, I was unable to speak and I looked like abomination. I remember the frustration of being unable to speak, just gargling some sounds, trying to express anything like fucking r2d2 with sad and angry beeps. I was clearly depressed.
One day though some other chick came up to me and offered me a job at a gaming / fantasy convent or something, I thought she was mocking me, I showed her my face but she didnt care and then it came this amazing feeling of overwhelming happiness that Im not a complete monster <3

Dont really remember more details, just some pictures from the rest of the dream, but i probably ended up cosplaying some character from Mortal Kombat or something(those chicks with covered face).

Anyways, im glad i can finally speak because fucking hell, that was frustrating.
Just added to a folder over 100 images and gifs with bunnies and zootopia. Will have a lot of "reaction images" for 2017.

Send help.

And btw


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Apparently i just tresspassed when i went for a run. Found this cool, dark road, made a very nice obstacle course with lots of fucking holes in the road and road blocks. Then I saw some dude waving at me, but i wasnt gonna stop, not taking any chances in buttfuck nowhere lol.
What surprised me the end of this road leads to the main road of my small town, ive lived here pretty long now and ive NEVER seen it beginning there. Very rpg-like, hidden road visible only from the other side of town.

9/10 would (and will) trespass again.
Fuck amazon. For 1 hour ive boon loking for artbook from Zootopia (not Zootropolis, fuck this name) and ive finally found one that doesnt cost billions of dollars and they, seemingly shit to poland.
They took my money and then cancelled my order. Shouyldve just downloaded pdf for free and fuck this.
Ok, downloading the german version then.

Actually thats a good idea to watch it in different languagues every time.

BRB, also downloading finnish and japanese version.