What are you doing right nao?

Nothing worse than ugly annoying girls

Everybunny knows that
Creating simple ambient music for my new website project I hopefuly can add later into portfolio.
Not only the voice actress of Ellie from The Last of Us is pretty as fuck, she also sings nice, so listening to her stuff like

Getting cancer, because a simple thing in programming wont work today for me and im fucking done
Welcome to the rest of your programming life.

You know what I actually hate?
Things that piss me off addict me.
I got cancer at 4pm. It's 2am and I'm still doing it. I shouldve stopped at 6pm when I finally fixed the problem, but nah, fuck sanity.

Same with Hearthstone. I despise it, the game sucks, skill doesnt matter, but I play to mine my own salt. I just dont get it.