What are you doing right nao?

Damn, even i feel sorry for this little watermelon lover. Would take care of him, teach him the way and send back to America so he could take his revenge on those black parasites. This guy's black life will matter for me.
who the fuck forced me to take cfa course?

People either look homeless or come to classes in damn suits

think about your future maja they say
^Well you are not wrong

Hi Maja :)

hey 0/

see above

tell me maja, when will you come to stockholm for drinking ov teh beerz?

idk :(
My life is pretty hectic.
I got sick and spent a month in the hospital recently.
Im too busy with work and i barely have time for anything else. Im forever alone but at least my career is going well and i make euros.
Im moving out soon so I dont have much money either :(
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hey 0/

idk :(
My life is pretty hectic.
I got sick and spent a month in the hospital recently.
Im too busy with work and i barely have time for anything else. Im forever alone but at least my career is going well and i make euros.
Im moving out soon so I dont have much money either :(

bah, shit happens. hope you're fine now though! save some euros and come here for bloodbath forum meetup!