What are you doing right nao?

Watching quality content, like Kizuna AI, virtual youtuber.

Obviously the best when she's learning english.
When after 2 days of trying to solve a problem you come up with a solution that instead of 150 line of codes deals with it in 10.


Bonus points for me for comping up with the solution while taking a shit
TFW vegan, feminist, vloger, muslim chick shoots at people.

TFW some retards are still trying to make her white


You can photoshop skin colour, but you cant photoshop disgusting genes and face structure though.
Setting up new PC

Win10 is cancer. My internet dl speed is cancer. Gonna take a whole month to recover all I need.
I fear we will never see a return to form with Windows. I refuse to upgrade past 7, I despise 8 and 10 isn't much better. Windows 7 was fantastic, why the fuck did Microsoft have to become so intrusive and force people down this app-centric hybrid bullshit path. I don't give a shit about mobile platforms, and I don't give a damn if your OS is cross-platform, I want it to be dedicated to an excellent PC experience. I have a basic android phone that serves a limited purpose and I expect more from my PC. I don't need childish tiles, giant square graphics and gimmicky (obnoxious) bullshit popping into every corner of my screen by default. My start menu should not look like a piles of random shit thrown together all mismatched and random sizes. It looks like a 5 year old puked all over my start menu. I'm sure there are ways to make it more organized and functional, but I shouldn't have to go out of my way every format to make my OS look like an adult designed it.

I have a laptop that came with Windows 10 pre-loaded and I absolutely hate it, but I can't be bothered scrubbing all the firmware and pre-installed BS just to start fresh. I don't use it enough to be bothered, and I use it far less because Windows 10 pisses me off, no matter how much I try to like it.

The worst part is that once Microsoft stops supporting Win 7 we will probably never see another OS of its kind. By then everyone will probably be funneled into an online only cloud based pile of crap with forced apps and automatic updates that fuck your system up, designed to reach broader and dumber audience rather than specializing and doing one thing well.

I got a little upset there. I just hate how everything is catering to, and being geared toward mobile and touch screen devices to appease the idiots that can't stop looking at their phones. Leave the PC OS alone, I don't want it to feel like your god damn tablet.
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Agree wholeheartedly with you. Had Windows10 on my laptop for 2 days, removed it, because it was cancer, wanted to install Win7, had to send laptop for fixing, because Win10 wiped everything, no drivers for anything, basically needed drivers to install drivers to install win7. It took over a week, and the technical guy was fucking furious, it was that hard apparently.

Everything microsoft owned now is cancerous to use. Skype is needed to be open by some appstore bullshit, setting up stuff takes forever, because you cant find options, they are hidden well. Start menu is filled with trash. UI is trash.

Agree that it just screams mobile. Like new fucking youtube. I dont want your fucking video to stretch to the maximum on default. If i wanted full screen, id click full screen retards.

Need to get used to the new system, but I know i will hate it for a long time. And when I finally accept the cancer, they will just add aids to the mix with some random update or new OS that will be forced.

I got a little upset there. I just hate how everything is catering to, and being geared toward mobile and touch screen devices to appease the idiots that can't stop looking at their phones. Leave the PC OS alone, I don't want it to feel like your god damn tablet.

Thats what I love, "lmao youre so addicted nerd, playing games 24/7 fuck off troll" sent via AIDSphone.

I use PC now half of the day for work, rarely play games and when I leave the house im off the grid most of the time. But hey, im addicted, while retards cant get off the internet and their fucking phones when walking, driving, commuting, talking to each other.
I got a little upset there. I just hate how everything is catering to, and being geared toward mobile and touch screen devices to appease the idiots that can't stop looking at their phones. Leave the PC OS alone, I don't want it to feel like your god damn tablet.
Cannot agree more, although I must say that after being forced to upgrade from 7 to 10 I got used to it rather quickly. At least it's miles better than 8. There's still plenty of shit that irritates me, e.g. Explorer looks hilariously bad after 7's aero, every scrollbar is an annoying piece of shit that takes you ages to grab with the cursor, an update may quietly download and restart the PC - destroying whatever you've been working on - if you leave it for 10 minutes, etc. Also, there's less and less of the old interface (Win XP type old) with each major update. Like, recently they got rid of Control Panel. You can still access it but it's now a pain in the arse and soon it will be gone completely I'm sure. On the other hand, some things are straight upgrades over 7. Search is way more useful, you don't need stupid ISO mounting software - that can wreck the entire system if handled carelessly - because there's finally a built-in foolproof app in 10, even Start while it looks abysmal is actually very flexible.
Like, recently they got rid of Control Panel.


Today I had to find control panel via Searchm but why would they remove it? Even less options to customize your machine to work as intended?

Also hate how Show Desktop is on the right side since win7, always have to add it manually, but it looks shitty and out of place in 10. But id rather have ugly taskbar, than having to move my habd to the right sight, where it doesnt belong.
Windows 8 felt like some kind of throwback to Windows ME cancer, glad that was gone in a hurry.
Windows 10 is actually pretty good once you get used to it. Alot of the things you guys are annoyed with are customizable, and some of it I haven't even experienced (slow scroll bar, wat? I mostly use the scroll wheel on the mouse anyway).
Totally agree about the tablet stuff, but that was mostly an Win8 thing. Win10 feels a lot more like Win7 except with some new additions, some even better.
I loved Windows 7, so I understand what you guys are saying, but you should give Win10 another shot. Hopefully they'll stay with this for a while now and not try to fuck things up again like with 8.
I know I'll eventually be forced to adapt, I just dislike the way Microsoft keeps pushing people towards a style they don't necessarily want. The same could be said for when Windows 95 totally changed things compared to 3.1. There was a certain amount of backlash from people that were comfortable with the Win 3.1 layout, but anyone could eventually see that Win 95 was a more sensible and intuitive design in a very short period of time. I was very young but even I could immediately see why it was a superior design.

Ever since Windows 95, Microsoft has made plenty of missteps (They make a good OS, then a bad one, then a good one again) but they never dumbed it down, they mostly made architectural mistakes that had to be patched up. But when Windows 8 arrived it felt like they were trying to take us backwards to appeal to people that want their desktop to be casual like their phone, and they are really pushing that shit on us whether we want it or not.

Eh, fuck it. I know I'll have to deal with it eventually, I just hope they don't go any further down this route and start having mandatory internet updates, giant goofy apps and doodles all over the fucking place to appeal to people that are not power users. Leave that shit for the people that want to Instagram each other about how much they heart things.
How is Win10 customizable when every advanced tool is hidden in such way that you WONT find it without googling?
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Celebrating Friday the 13th at work. Harddrive failed after windows10 update. Thank you microsoft.