What are you G.A.S.ing for right now?

I will be buying one of these babies :


Im so fucking tired of the ITB compression attack. Especially on Bass and Vox, which is the instruments i slam the hardest in the mix.
I'm really wanting some API pre's, but what I'll probably end up getting is the Seventh Circle A12's. If I could get a rack full of those and fill my other rack with the N72's I could die satisfied. It would only be like $5000 to do that. Anyone wanna put in donations?

I'd also like a Sansamp BDDI, but that's a low priority.

And I think an upgrade to Cubase 6 will be in order for the near future, but I want to hear some reviews of it first.

And lastly, I need to build some bass traps/diffusers for the live and control room (living room and bedroom).

Yeah, I hate it when my eyes are bigger than my pockets.
I'm really wanting some API pre's, but what I'll probably end up getting is the Seventh Circle A12's. If I could get a rack full of those and fill my other rack with the N72's I could die satisfied. It would only be like $5000 to do that. Anyone wanna put in donations?

You will not at all be disappointed with the A12's. I fucking love mine to bits and can't wait to justify getting another.
You will not at all be disappointed with the A12's. I fucking love mine to bits and can't wait to justify getting another.

Yeah, I think I'm going to have to buy a pair soon to fill out my current chassis. I just checked out some prices and the 3124 on Sweetwater is listed at $2550, but if I bought 8 A12 kits w/ op amps and a new chassis w/ power supply and wiring harness it's just shy of $3000. I hate it when I do this to myself.
You will not at all be disappointed with the A12's. I fucking love mine to bits and can't wait to justify getting another.

I never tryed one but I can imagine quality of this. I watched one endless analog (you know, CLASP and all buzz around it) interview featuring Brian Lenox in his studio. And you know what? This guy can afford lot of gear, have a beautifull "smal" studio and have SC preamp (and API, Chandler...etc). Good sign no?

Edit: if you want check this
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Man.. I recently borrowed some nice gear off someone I know for some vocal tracking and now I MUST buy it.


The API 512c sounded amazing, obviously, nice fat API tone. But, the Buzz Elixir..... Holy SHIT! This thing is beautiful! And made right here in NZ, who would have thought.. Didn't try out the Buzz EQ but have heard from a couple of reliable sources that both the EQ and compressors are amazing. I was dead set on buying a 512 but am now thinking perhaps I oughta get an Elixir or two first.. I can get the 512 (lowest local price) around $1250 while the Elixir (being made locally) is available for around $800...