What Are You Listening To At The Moment?


Nature's Child
Aug 2, 2003
Michigan, USA
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... and before I am attacked, let me justify the creation of this rather infamous "now playing" thread; seeing as everyone here loves music, it's only natural to want to discuss music of all sorts amongst ourselves and, as such, why not have a thread such as this one as the precedent? At any rate, I hope all will agree and, of course, let the discussion (hopefully) initiate! :)

Enya - Watermark - The Long Ships

... a beautiful album, undoubtedly (and stronger than her more recent works, at least in my humble opinion); any other Enya listeners around here?
Opeth - Hessian Peel - Watershed

Player's just on shuffle. Never been a fan of Enya, but it's been a while since I last gave it a try. Mayhap I'll try again soon.

I have been on a bit of her high with her material lately ... :)

Enya - A Day Without Rain - Fallen Embers

... easily one of my favorite songs by her - pure magic!
You know, friend, I'm starting to think this forum is going to be just me and you kickin' the shit. We need to find more EToS fans and sign 'em up, to make this place a bit more... forum-like.

I agree my friend, it is rather dismal, indeed; Eternal Tears Of Sorrow are one of the strongest Finnish metal bands to ever exist (hell, one of the finest metal bands to exist, regardless of geography, ever), easily, and yet the forum is so quiet and inactive ... :( It's a damn shame, I say! - hopefully more folks will start posting here soon, at any rate ...

Enya - Watermark - On Your Shore

... quiet and sad music for a quiet and sad evening.
Methinks we might have to do a little bit of promotion or something. As much of a kickass band as EToS is, they're dreadfully unknown, especially this side of the Prime Meridian. Add to that the slim amount of people that are forum-lurkers, it's a not too likely we'll be seeing much traffic.

Evanescence - The Open Door - Your Star

Regardless what you feel about this band, this song is really damned good.
Methinks we might have to do a little bit of promotion or something. As much of a kickass band as EToS is, they're dreadfully unknown, especially this side of the Prime Meridian. Add to that the slim amount of people that are forum-lurkers, it's a not too likely we'll be seeing much traffic.

Evanescence - The Open Door - Your Star

Regardless what you feel about this band, this song is really damned good.

I haven't heard much Evanescence, however, what I did hear I, admittedly, didn't care for too much ... :erk: At the very least, it has been a while, perhaps I should revisit them ...

Amoral - Show Your Colors - Year Of The Suckerpunch

... a lot of people, from what I gather, hate this record - whatever! - I like it! :)
Come on, I know Anesthetize and I aren't the only folks here who listen to music! :P Anyway ...

Shade Empire - Sinthetic - Demonized

... although I don't quite know their situation in Finland, this band is, from what I have observed, criminally underrated! - gah, I love this song! :)
I actually do enjoy both of their following releases, especially Zero Nexus which, for me personally, is a very strong and unique record all around! :) At any rate, the direction is quite different indeed! As for Disillusion, I can only agree, Back To The Times Of Splendor is incredible! Do you like the album that came afterward?

X Japan - Blue Blood - Rose Of Pain

... one of the best bands EVER, easily.
Pah, maybe those two albums will grow on me in time...

And I'm glad you asked. I actually do enjoy the Gloria album, as long as I keep telling myself that it's NOT DISILLUSION and they didn't put all their talent to waste and this is simply some other band...

Daniel Lioneye - The King of Rock'n'Roll - Lonely Road
Haha, yeah, I didn't really care for Gloria either, it was just a rather disappointing and dry affair all around, I say.

Siebenbürgen - Loreia - Vittring Av Liv

... I love this album! :D
The Knack - That's what the little girls do.......in memory of Doug Fieger's passing (Feb 14 2010) due to cancer :(....RIP to the man who wrote My Sharona:(


By blackglove at 2010-02-15