i've read both the eragon series and LOTR and i personally would say that the eragon series is better
everyone just thinks of LOTR as "classic" because everyone else already thinks of it as "clasic"
to me this is a really great example of "groupthink"
people just agree with the group
many (if not most) of the people that refer to LOTR as being "classic" and "awesome" are people that read abridged versions, or read "graphic novel" versions, or listened to it on an audio book, or just simply watched the freaking movie, as opposed to the people like me that actually read the whole unabridged version, and actually honestly thought about it in comparason to other fantasy works, but just because it was an "early" example of it's type of "epic" fantasy, all of the newer "epic fantasy" stories are just considered "rip-offs" by people that don't even stop to consider the idea that a newer fantasy book might actually be better than the "original" "classic" LOTR series
as a person that actually analysed the content and structure and flow of the stories, i personally think that a great deal of the "fantasy" written AFTER LOTR was actually in fact better, with some of the authors actually seeming to learn from Tolkien's mistakes, although, to imply that Tolkien's LOTR series even had any mistakes to begin with is something that will prolly start a flame war
Eragon series >>> LOTR