What are your favourite bits from the bonus Dvd? ( don't read till you have seen it)


Aug 5, 2009
I fuckin loved it, I have never laughed so hard at the inane stupidity of Evile

They made me look fuckin normal in my place of work

In no particular order, here are some of my favourite bits

The towel successfully hitting the fly (puir wee fly bastard)

Mike and the pepper

Ol fluffing his solo's (I feel so good about that as I tend to hit bum notes on a regular basis)

So what are yours?

I should say thanks to the guys in a band called Evile for the inclusion of my mug in the Dvd

Thank you
I would tell you... If I had any possibilities of getting it in the near future... Sounds awesome though. I wanna see Towel vs. Fly:erk:
Towel Vs Jeff Goldbloom

Nakedness of Mutant and Trigger

Evile (suck) Evile (suck)

Ol annoying Russ when he's trying to concentrate

The slight glimpse of me shooting photos when you see the glasgow circle pit (I recognised the tv's) if you look dead close you can see my LCD screen light up when I'm shooting the photos haha.

Phantom of the Olpera

I'm killing myself laughing here maaaaan.
-Ol messing up his solo's
-Mike and the Black Stormtrooper.
-The fly bit.
-Ol annoying Russ.
-Ol on the tiny keyboard and Matt singing in the background, gradually going up in key.
-The lyrics "Waaararaggghh ya dickhead!!...."
-"Who's Ted? and why is he in feck?"
-"If you touch me, i'll kill you."

Can't remember anything else off the top of my head but those bits had me in stitches.
Russ Kicking them out of the studio at the end is an instant classic!

"Can I at least shake..."
"Piss Off!"

"I thought we were friends?!"

"Bloody Bands!"