What are your favourite Kiss video clips?

Make sure the VVI songs are from the debut not All Systems Go :) Coz I said STTG is much heavier than ASG. But the VVI debut is pure metal!
The VVI songs are:

Ashes to Ashes
Love Kills
Dirty Rythym
Deeper and Deeper

This list is final and no correspondance will be entered into, because this is all I've got at the moment.

What's the argument again? Heavier or Metallier?
Ahhhhh Phloggy all those VVI songs are from All Systems Go. You'd might as well choose Skid Row's grungy Subhuman Race or covers album to compare it with. That album is melodic glam not heavy metal.

We have been arguing about the 2 albums not the 2 bands in general. VVI the album vs Slave To The Grind the album.
Originally posted by The Trooper

Those songs literally have the same type of drumming as Reign In Blood!

Thats just f**king silly :mad:

*Punches Troops on the nose and kicks him in the sternum*

Did Vinnie Vincent play progressive heavy, thrash, death, black, speed, doom, glam, aor rock, heavy rock, hard rock, pop metal and shred metal all on the debut too?

Along with the f**king drummer you are comparing to Dave Lombardo, and a bass player that probably kicked Cliff Burton and that nong from Dream Theaters assb naturally. Plus the greatest vocalist of all time, who can sing in every conceivable style, even ones that havent been invented.

Trooper please.

Coz I'm at song 8 at the moment (Quicksand Jesus) and the results seem to be:

Skid Row: Heavier. By far. If STTG was put on top of a VV album, the VV album would be pressed into the table.

VVI: Metallier, in the classic sense of the word. Complex rythyms, time changes, basically more complicated song structure than STTG.

Personal preference: STTG. :rock: It's such a great album. I wish I didn't discount it when it was released just because it was from those Skid Row fag cock rockers with big hair who are just real metal wannabes.
Coz I'm at song 8 at the moment (Quicksand Jesus) and the results seem to be:

Skid Row: Heavier. By far. If STTG was put on top of a VV album, the VV album would be pressed into the table.

VVI: Metallier, in the classic sense of the word. Complex rythyms, time changes, basically more complicated song structure than STTG.

Personal preference: STTG. :rock: It's such a great album. I wish I didn't discount it when it was released just bacause it was from those Skid Row fag cock rockers with big hair who are just real metal wannabes.
OK Troops, they're not from the debut, but I fail to see the debut being heavier then STTG. I will double check when I get home though, if I can find some. VVI must be the hardest band in the world to find MP3's from (except Re-Vision).
VVI metallier hehe and that's their non-metally album too. Wait until you hear the debut! :rock:

That is what I've been arguing the entire time anyway but Spawny just didn't understand my point that VVI is more classic metal and Skid Row is heavy rockish.

Spawny I'm talking about Nitro with the Reign In Blood drumming. Seriously the drumming is blast beats with constant ultra fast double kick on some of the songs.

Anyhow, let's just agree that:

Skid Row are more ballsy, bassy, aggressive heavy stuff.

Vinnie Vincent Invasion are more classic metal sounding and on the debut are more ear piercing and intense sounding.

Yes. And Bon Jovi are heavier than Poison. And God Hates Us All is the best and heaviest Slayer album ever. And "These Days" is better than "Bon Jovi". And Matt Barlow doesn't sound whiney in ballads.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:
Very good Troops, im impres.... Wait a second, YOU WERE BEING SARCASTIC! :mad:

Does phloggy know about this? :) :D
At least you got one thing right, Troops.

Speaking of Bon Jovi, I saw them on that show Molly Meldrum has before the Simpsons each morning, and predictably there was no Hugh. Even Tico spoke a bit, but what was really lacking was input from the most underrated bass player today. That would have made a dud interview into an insightful look into one of the world's most popular melodic arena rock bands.