What Band Do You Think Should Retire?

The Metal Master

The Ace of Spades
May 25, 2002
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I don't think age should be a factor in this question. To me, it's a matter of if the band is still creative. I think KISS should give it up and call it a day. The bickering between all of the members is grating, and they have done nothing creatively lately. Making money is fine....but guys, do you have to be so damn obvious?
KISS should of retired 5 or more years ago. Maybe shortly after the Revenge album.

A few years ago I would of said Rush, but their last album or at least One Little Victory proved that can still come up with something that kicks.

Motley Crue I think should retire. They don't sound passionate anymore, they don't have that spark. I don't know whether it's just the money or what but give it up. Find another way to make money.

Limp Bizkit should quite now. No not because they suck goats, because their creativity and talent is all used up. When you do guitar auditions, just to steal guitar riffs to use on the next album, you suck and are already dead in the water.
Great point about KISS Weapon X. I didn't have a problem with them doing a farewell tour, though. I got to see the original members in makeup, so that was cool for me. Revenge was a good album.

Motley Crue are taking a break, and that's a good thing. I'd like to see them come out with another kick ass album. I think they still do have the capability. The only problem is that they have released only two consistently good albums - "Shout at the Devil", which I believe to be their best, and "Dr. Feelgood", which is good pop metal. They really haven't kicked ass since "Shout...", so you are probably right Weapon X.

Limp Bizkit? You're right on the money. I never really got into them, but Fred Durst is shitting his pants since Wes Borland left.
oh please, don't get me started on who should retire...I could go on for days :p

Rolling Stones. Bill Wyman had the class to call it a day, but Mick and company keep flogging the beast.
The Who. Especially now that Entwhistle is dead, why in the world would anyone interested in more than an oldies show bother?
Kiss - over the 20+ year career, are there truly, honestly, enough quality songs to fill even a two CD best of? naw. Fifty+ year old men seem kinda silly singing about their "love gun." I'll bet they still put on a helluva show, tho.
Michael Bolton - I know, he's not metal, but he used to be hard rock with his original band, Blackjack...until he stumbled onto the goldmine represented by the fact that horny unsatisfied housewives would buy millions of his cds filled with him copying note for note the soul legends of the 60s. The dude sounds like he's got his testicles in a vice.
I love Kiss. Give 'em a break. They can still match it with the best. My opinion as to who should have retired ages ago are Deep Purple. I saw them in '74 and in '84 on the Perfect Strangers tour. I then saw them last year and I couldn't have been more disappointed. They prodded on like they had no interest. Gillan acted like he was doing a caberet act and the only one who looked semi into it was Steve morse. I'm afraid they've lost the plot and all albums since blackmore's departure have been a waste of studio time.
You think Cliff really could do things differently with James and Lars at the helm? I don't think so, it would be 1 of 2 things:

1) He would of gone on with Metallishit, doing what he can to make money.

2) He would of quit sometime after the black album, and form or joined another band and make real music, for artistic sake and not for money.
It's hard to say what Cliff would have done Weapon. My guess is that he would have left the band rather than see the band become part of the alternative nation. However, although Lars and James do run the band, Cliff obviously carried way more weight than Jason Newsted ever did. Kirk didn't carry much weight early on either. I think Cliff at the very least would have had James and Lars thinking twice before they tried this shit...once Cliff left there was no one to really stop the band from selling out. At least with Cliff in the band there was a system of checks and balances.
Metallica I think are in the same boat as AC DC. Most people said they should have called it a day when Bon Scott died as was the case with Cliff. BUT! having bought "The black album", "Load" and "Reload" I needed to give them time and about 20 listens before these 3 grew on me. AC DC have done some average to good stuff over the last 20 years but I have to say that live, these guys kick ass and Brian Johnson is an awesome frontman. :headbang: :devil:

They're my favourite band of all time and its awful to see them (particularly Gene now running the whole show) making a mockery of themselves.
I'm not sure Metallica is finished.. I can't imagine that after so many good albums (don't speak about Load... Reload...) they could stop.
Perhaps the upcomming album will be really the rebirth of Metallica (ok... that's a joke.. but why not ! :p)
Metallica's next album will be done with Ja Rule on it rappin as well as the usual newer Metallishit crap. So don't ever expect anything from them again. It won't happen, let's face it Metallica is dead and gone for 12 years now!
I though that the "single" Ja Rule made with a song of Metallica was just a cover... and not what will be the next album :)

Ok... We"ll see but the band announced several weeks ago it will be "heavier" (ok... not so difficult ;))

Wait and see...
Maybe your right, I don't know. Either way I won't buy any of their CD's no more. I stop at the Black album. Even if they make the greatest metal album in the history of metal. They've shown themselves for what they are and how they treat their fans back in the early 90's, I will not forget.