What bands do you like that no one else does?

Thasis said:
Their are a few songs that I have to admit do suck (atleast compared to their other stuff) but I believe the good outranks the bad.

Frankly after Nick Barker left the band they have been going downhill. Damnation and a Day just flat out sucked. But the first 4 discs are great.
Well I like Björk, Static-X, Rammstein, VAST, various Disco ( :lol: ), Juanes....oh how I love Juanes...*drool*,..... Uhhh what else......SOAD, MCR (YEA you read right) World Music, Enka, and lots of other stuff
Yeah, I listen to tons of punk, hxc, alternative, classic rock... uh, Broadway...

Wouldn't have it any other way...
Dee Snarl said:
Yeah, I listen to tons of punk, hxc, alternative, classic rock... uh, Broadway...

Wouldn't have it any other way...

:lol: No but that's alright... there are a few musicals I like but I'm much more into Opera.
That was really just for example. I like tons of music outside the "hard rock" spectrum.

Music is my life. All kinds.
Oooo!! Thoth-Amon you like Opera??? I love it, haven't been to a performance though. :(
I like Pagliacci and Wagners stuff. I plan to see an opera in the summer with my best bud, but don't know if I'll be able to. I am however going to see a performance next week of people doing excerpts from various operas. I have to do it for an assignment for Music class. I can't wait! *bounce bounce* :Spin:
metal_monkey said:
Oooo!! Thoth-Amon you like Opera??? I love it, haven't been to a performance though. :(
I like Pagliacci and Wagners stuff. I plan to see an opera in the summer with my best bud, but don't know if I'll be able to. I am however going to see a performance next week of people doing excerpts from various operas. I have to do it for an assignment for Music class. I can't wait! *bounce bounce* :Spin:

Did you read my thread on the introduction section? I'm a big classical fan and got my BA in music theory & comp. So yeah Opera is sorta normal for me... Yeah I Pagliacci is great and Wagner rules. Der Ring Des Nibelungen is utterly amazing. Tristan und Isolde is great also. I also love Puccini's and especially Mozart's operas (Don Giovanni... the greatest opera ever?). Also on the more "modern" (though it's over 70 years old now) side of things Berg's Wozzek is awesome. I've probably got at least 30 operas. Feel free to talk about it anytime you want.
I remeber cause you told me that you are going back to school for nursing..:)

I like Tristan und Isolde, I haven't heard it all the way through though. I love opera but I am not a super opera buff. :lol: I don't know allll that much about it, I would love to learn more though! I'm looking foward to that peformance. I do loooooooooovvvvvvvvvveeee to sing!! My range isn't what it used to be though :waah:, my highest note (at my best) was an B flat up there. But not like Mariah Carey. :lol:
metal_monkey said:
I remeber cause you told me that you are going back to school for nursing..:)

I like Tristan und Isolde, I haven't heard it all the way through though. I love opera but I am not a super opera buff. :lol: I don't know allll that much about it, I would love to learn more though! I'm looking foward to that peformance. I do loooooooooovvvvvvvvvveeee to sing!! My range isn't what it used to be though :waah:, my highest note (at my best) was an B flat up there. But not like Mariah Carey. :lol:

The libretto for Tristan is awful but the music is amazing. Which performance? The only opera I've seen was La Traviata at the Prague Opera House.
I didn't feel like reading every single reply, so forgive me for any repeats. I'm new.

Zero 7
Sigur Ros
Godspeed You Black Emperor!
The Chariot
Ion Dissonance
Between The Buried And Me
Into The Moat
With Faith or Flames
Kaki King
See You Next Tuesday
Pretty much any ambient type stuff. Yep. And "grindcore".
Dark Endless
Altera Enigma
In Vain
Holy Blood
Screams of Chaos
Visual Cliff
The World Black
Whispering Gallery
Time Requiem
Tortured Conscience
Royal Anguish
The Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Decapitated Sheep
Ashen Mortality
profskett said:
I don't get what's so wrong about a band being Christian/having Christian(-ish) lyrics. I also quite like Creed and Alter Bridge, and a band called Extol, who most people haven't heard of, but some would baulk at for a similar reason.
You're not the only one here who likes Extol. There are some other bands with some of their members/former members that you might be interested in:

Benea Reach
Twisted Into Form (two former members of Spiral Architect are in this one:rock: )
Zhou Tai 04 said:
Dark Endless
Altera Enigma
In Vain
Holy Blood
Screams of Chaos
Visual Cliff
The World Black
Whispering Gallery
Time Requiem
Tortured Conscience
Royal Anguish
The Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Decapitated Sheep
Ashen Mortality

oh man... I dont know ANY of that bands lol
Holy Blood, Requital, and Evroklidon are from the Ukraine. If you get a chance to see them, you should. I know Holy Blood plays shows fairly regularly, but I'm not sure about the other ones.
Oh... To be honest - I'm not really in ukrainian bands, so I guess foreign ppl know more about them than I do. Why? Coz I think that the most of Ukrainian and Russian bands really suck.