What bands shouldn't people listen to?

Cobain was a wank guitarist but hes was an alright songwriter. Although Nirvana are probably one of the most overrated bands of all time, everyone went through a Nirvana phase at some point in their life (anyone who says they didn't is a liar! :P)
thats funny that you mention that,
when i was 12 and first started getting into rock music they were one of my favorites. As you get older you grow up and realize what good music and talent really is.
I may have asked this already, but why the hell is it that guitarists in the above mentioned genres(at least the ones involving the suffix 'core') can only do two things: D5 chords in droped D, and sweap picking?
there's nothing in between.
i really hate gay shit like my chemical shitbag lol and nickelback FUCK OFF

but i like trivium but only shogun, i like megadeth, evile, cavalera con, pantera, warpath stuff like that i seriously do not like anything like deathy or dark like cannibal corpse, i think shit like raping dead virgins and whatever is just fucked up...
You know most of the people that listen to those bands are only into them for a couple of years at most then they get bored of them/see the light whichever way you want to say it. After that they either go on to proper metal or something else. Its just a shame that they have to go through the gay wank crap to get to the proper metal. But they maybe deserve it for dressing so gay and uniformly. Because you know emos all dress the same.