What can you offer a girl?

fuck that... no relationship = no having to divide time, income, or health

more resources to be awesome


*please note this statement just reflects on the fact i havent met anyone worthy of my time in this godforsaken city :p
I haven't met anyone decent lately. I should probably admit that I'm not exactly looking right now though so no loss. As for what I can offer? Myself, I guess for whatever that's worth. And oh, I'm a "nice guy" anyways. :erk:

What I look for, not that much really but a brief summary:
1. She cannot be a whore or a slut. Is that too much to ask??
2. Prefer someone who shares common interests. This is really important to me, as I don't exactly find myself fitting in with many people. And I would have to find the person attractive. Not 'attractive' as in what society would classify it as, but in my own personal opinion - quite a big difference.
3. Also, the girl must be completely over her ex, and not be going back and forth. Just end it, and move on. Or, if you still have feelings for your ex, then don't date other people.
Funny, once a girl told me I could "eat her under the table anyday." She was talking about me, eating more food than she could. She didn't even realize the double or literal meaning of it.
Aaach, I dunno actually. I suppose that the standard ones apply, eg. friendliness, a lot of understanding, a listening ear, and so on.

I'm probably rather mature, cultured and unique for my age, too - but my age group truly couldn't care about those things, annoyingly. 2/3 seem inclined to fuck the first thing with a fringe that steps into the vicinity around here. :(
Fuck, good offerings in here so far I guess.

I'm gonna have to sum mine up in one word... class.

Honestly, if I could find a single chick into metal around where I live, then theres a lot more to be offered. Until then, tough luck, and hello mainstream whores. :lol: