What defines 'alternative' metal

The main thing I learned in this thread is that HamburgerBoy has far too much free time on his hands, and really needs to find some friends, or a girl, or a job, or something...
Also, he doesn't have a clue what Black Metal is (learned that right in the beginning of the thread).
It's not about "worthiness." Where the fuck did you get that?

Sure it is. How else do you explain M-A nuking metalcore bands when that started to get popular, djent when that started to get popular, disowning Pitchfork-approved black metal when that got popular, etc?

Also, he doesn't have a clue what Black Metal is (learned that right in the beginning of the thread).

What is it?
Yeah, but I think it's safe to assume that Mort's view is somewhere close to that of M-A (or ANUS).
since MA seems to be HBB's litmus test, I'm just curious what bands you believe should be on there...?

you keep referring to metalcore, yet shit like darkest hour is on there. Life of Agony is there as well. Do you want Sick of It All? Biohazard?

ive never considered korn, slipknot, spineshank, etc as metal. it was always a form of hard rock with various influences (hip-hop mostly). maybe hot-topic metal or abercrombie metal...?
Metalcore is just one thing, and since some people think my argument in this is purely based on personal preferences/dislikes, I should say that I don't even listen to much of it. Protest the Hero has a good number of songs that sound pretty much like straight-up thrash to me, and their Scurrilous album doesn't have a single metalcore breakdown and almost all clean-sung vocals. The impetus for really checking them out was seeing a bunch of older PM:X2 dudes comparing them to Realm and Toxik, and being surprised that I could hear the comparison.

My dad got a couple Demon Hunter CDs either in a lot or from a friend, and while I don't really like them, I have a hard time hearing songs like these as something other than metal. Biohazard might be borderline; they're obviously born from the NYHC scene but there are also many riffs clearly coming from a metal region. This sounds no less metal than what Prong was doing around the same time, rapping aside. That doesn't even get into bands like Merauder with full on Slayer riffs.

And it's not just metalcore. Europe is excluded even though their first two are full of metal songs, some which I'd argue where very influential on power metal and even heavier than a lot of what passes as power metal today. But of course, they wrote The Final Countdown which means they aren't allowed even though many more obscure hard rock bands get the pass, let alone "black metal".