What do SX fans think of Circus Maximus?


Shreddy McFuntits
Aug 9, 2008
Melbourne, Australia.
If you havn't heard of Circus Maximus they are a progressive metal band from... Norway I think, they have two albums out. I know a lot o prog fans are divided when it comes to this band, some think they are amazing because of their technical skill and songwriting, others dislike them becase they sound too similar to a handful of other prog bands.

I've had Isolate for almost a year, and I think its got some good material on it. When I first bought it I almost threw the album out the window after 3 songs because at first I thought they were directly ripping off Dream Theater, and I only need one DT not two. Better judgement told me to give it a little time, which I'm glad I did because although I don't find the whole album amazing, there are some cool songs on it. Great vocals (an acquired taste I guess), excellent guitar and keyboard playing and a solid rhythm section. There definately a few too many moments that venture too close to Dream theater teritory, but despite this they are pretty competent and interesting band.

What do you reckon, cookie-cutter prog or something decent?
Also, if there are any fans of this band here, is the first album worth giving a listen?
I dig 'em. I think their best stuff was their demo mp3s they posted here on this forum way way back.
Dude, yeah! The demo of "Imperial Destruction" was great. And I like the demo for "Glory of the Empire" a little bit better. They took out that hammond part, haha.

That being said, I've been a fan since they posted those demos here. I really enjoyed The First Chapter, and Isolate was pretty good, too.
I have both CD's, I like them. They are a bit too much like jumping back and forth between Dream Theater and Symphony X. Some brisk changeups rather than flowing. I played them fairly solid for awhile and havent gone back for awhile either, I should revisit. I prefer Isolate and prefer the band Threshold for being more of their own sound rather than too much like another band.
Playing Isolate now.... I should have added that the vocalist is awesome. He has some qualities that were very predominant in pop metal vocalists during the 80's but applied to much better music and more dynamic. Some phrasing reminds of Roy Kahn too... phrasing not tone/timbre

Mouth of Madness stands out to me, perhaps their most epic piece ?
I just checked out "Imperial Destruction" and I must admit it's pretty awesome. "Mouth of Madness" too. Based on just those two I'll probably pick up the albums. Interesting band, but so far, Symphony X has more of a mood, a feel, an imagery, a way to take me places. With a lot of prog bands, I feel like I'm in an awesome jam session and can get into the grooves and riffs, but I wanna feel like I'm in a story too. They have a lot of potential and I will keep my eye on them.
How about Abyss ? Probably like a cross between instrumental SX and during vocals Kamelot but great tune (this IS the problem with the band)
Playing Isolate now.... I should have added that the vocalist is awesome. He has some qualities that were very predominant in pop metal vocalists during the 80's but applied to much better music and more dynamic. Some phrasing reminds of Roy Kahn too... phrasing not tone/timbre

Mouth of Madness stands out to me, perhaps their most epic piece ?

I agree about the vocalist, he's awesome. His voice to me sounds similar to Geddy Lee's just more disciplined and less annoying. I can see the Roy Khan comparison too. Mouth Of Madness didn't really hold my interest like an epic should, but its a decent song. Been playing Isolate non-stop on the way to Uni, very solid album with Zero and Mouth Of Madness being songs being my lesser preferred songs, discovered how good the song From Childhoods Hour is afternever really giving it any attention. With and A Darkened Mind rock as well, really good guitar riffs and excellent vocals and they're pretty good songwriters too.
I had a brief love affair with the band and listened to them constantly...it's kind of faded now but they are still decent. I will admit that some of their stuff is just generic boring prog, but listen to "The Prophecy" or "Ultimate Sacrifice" - some very emotional, original moments on some of their songs.

Personally I find that the singer's voice gets grating and overbearing if you listen to him too much. Isolate especially had some vocal problems for me - it sounds like the singer has a cold or something throughout the whole thing, and the song "Zero" was a pile of shit.

I'll probably be buying their next album.
I only have The 1st Chapter, which is magnificent imo. The chorus of Sin is just epic. Their singer is brilliant, one of the strongest points of the band I reckon, but they're all great players. I need to check out Isolate...
I love both of their albums, and I can't wait for their third (which is in the making as we speak)!

Near the end of the song Zero, I find that the vocalist's tone actually sounds a lot like Khan... I'm sure many would agree.
Mats Haugen is a pretty scary guitar player. I like watching his YouTube vids.

Back during the release of their demo stuff (you're right, Jeff, "Glory of the Empire" and "Imperial Destruction" were better as demos than on the album), one forum member compared the vox to the singer from TNT. I couldn't agree more. I dig his vocals big time.
Because I'm such a cool fucking guy I uploaded the demo version of glory of the empire on youtube
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