What do u guys do when you are bored?

nothing beats sleeping when you have absolutely nothing to do, and are even bored of the games in your computer (in my opinion)

but if I do have a choice, I like to go to my friends' places and order pizza, talk crap and stuff.

and watching Malice Mizer's Merveilles L'espace DVD too, damn that rocks too much!!

and btw Tut, I know you're gonna turn into a pile of ashes or something so, in advance, shut the fuck up!!! :lol:
Originally posted by Tut Ankh Amon
play air drums
listen to music (of course :p)
post on UltimateMetal (also obvious :D)
Post on me bloggah
talk shit with Stormblast on the telephone (while he listens and make strange noises, cause he is ALWAYS taking a crap)


and that's about it... :p

Ehh...dude I think you should see a doctor about that gas "problem" of yours, a healthy man sould not/could not produce that much gas :p
@ukstin: when i read the "stay with my wife" i understood the lack of farting in your bored times

@nv: well, that's how my life looks like too :p

@cows: dude, if you think I can compete with you, you gotta smell stormblast! He's rotten 24-7!!!!! And the worst thing is that he's got the Ninja Fart: Silet, but deadly!!!!

@agressor: well, i don't fart that frequently... but i had to repeat something several times, to repeat it after a pause again. That's what we call "joke timing". Professional stuff :lol:
Originally posted by Tut Ankh Amon
@ukstin: when i read the "stay with my wife" i understood the lack of farting in your bored times

@nv: well, that's how my life looks like too :p

@cows: dude, if you think I can compete with you, you gotta smell stormblast! He's rotten 24-7!!!!! And the worst thing is that he's got the Ninja Fart: Silet, but deadly!!!!

@agressor: well, i don't fart that frequently... but i had to repeat something several times, to repeat it after a pause again. That's what we call "joke timing". Professional stuff :lol:

hahha lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: