What do want to do with George W. Bush?

What do you want to do?

  • Electrocute his ass!

    Votes: 3 6.4%
  • Place a stungun under his chair!

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Learn him to READ!

    Votes: 7 14.9%
  • Drop a neutron bomb over the White House!

    Votes: 4 8.5%
  • Give him a dynamite stick and say it's a cuban cigar!

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • Rearrange his face!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Walk in with a M-60 machinegun in his office and give him what he deserves!

    Votes: 8 17.0%
  • Play CoB on highest sound 'til his eardrum blows!

    Votes: 18 38.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Ok, I don't understand how he betrayed the United Nations, yet I do. It's this simple:

Bush is a power hungry son of a bitch. All he wants, is power. Sure he wants all of us to have freedom, but on the inside, he only wants THIS country to. I see it now.

NP: Dream Theater - Misunderstood

UN voted against war against Iraq, but Bush said one or two days later that he would attack Iraq if they wouldn't disarm, with or without the support of UN, and so he did.
The thing he did with the taliban regime were good stuff, now Afganistan can work (is working almost) as a free country again.
SSJ4 Im British so I believe Im 'involved'. By the way, no offense, but I think everyone is entitled to their opinion, it is quite possible that the war wil affect the whole world. And I see nothng wrong in someone from an 'uninvolved' country wanting to speak their mind about it..in the same way that the US likes to get involved in other countrys' business when it thinks there's something wrong.

The thing is, the war is being justified as taking out Saddam cos he's a threat.What threat?Ok so they havent got any nukes.They got biological and chemical weapons, but the only people in range of them are the thousands of soldiers we've sent over there. So how could they get us with these weaopns?Theyre certainly not gonna sail or fly over to the US and launch some missile cos theyre just gonna get fucked.So the only other possibility is a terrorist attack...which is about 100 times more likely now we're bombing them!So I dont see how this war makes my country or yours any safer.I do agree that Saddam is a madmen tho and that he needs to go. But Im from London, my mother works in inner London every day, and ill be honest Im scared for her!Who know whats gonna be bombed or gassed or whatever. They found people with Ricin in London-one of the most powerful poisons-luckily the people were caught (and I might add were linked to Al-Quaida, they werent Iraqi's), but it just shows you how scary this thing is. To add to this, most of the population of this country seems to disagree but our leaders are still continuing...one of our main politicians has even resigned in protest. Its sad cos I think our prime minister is a good leader, and while I admire his courage in stickng to his word in the face of bad press etc, I just dont like the decision.

Its all been a bit sneaky to...the US had no intention of abiding by UN rule. The weapons inspectors reported that the Iraqi's were starting to comply, funny how it was then decided they'd had enough time!What I hate most of all is Bush's '48 hours' ultimatum.It was VERY CLEVER psychologically but very devious..cos it means that even though it was clear Saddam was in no way going to leave, its making him look like the troublemaker..see how all the media reports say 'Saddam refuses to comply..'?It bullshit.Try telling your president to get out of his own country, which he is the leader of, when its about to get attacked. If you ask me, its pretty clever but pretty damn sick.
SomeGuy said:
Its all been a bit sneaky to...the US had no intention of abiding by UN rule. The weapons inspectors reported that the Iraqi's were starting to comply, funny how it was then decided they'd had enough time!What I hate most of all is Bush's '48 hours' ultimatum.It was VERY CLEVER psychologically but very devious..cos it means that even though it was clear Saddam was in no way going to leave, its making him look like the troublemaker..see how all the media reports say 'Saddam refuses to comply..'?It bullshit.Try telling your president to get out of his own country, which he is the leader of, when its about to get attacked. If you ask me, its pretty clever but pretty damn sick.

yeah that "48 hour" thing was really dumb actually, everyone on Earth knew that Saddam wouldn't leave in a million years, and Bush just made him look more fierce and stubborn, just to get more support from the people I think.
When I watched defense secretary Rumsfeld on CNN about 4 hours ago I began to understand that this war isn't so unnecessary as I thought, maybe it's even good for the people to be released from Saddam's tyranny, but I'm not convinced yet, I got to see if Iraq had/has chemical weapons or not first!

NP: Faith No More - Epic
Needled24Seven said:
ignorant is probably the only fucking word you ever mention in your comments here, do you have an opinion at all?! -crusader

no not really since it sums it up pretty well

:lol: you're really ridiculous, stop it!
Hem, it's not really the same subject, but has anybody read the link I posted upon ? With shit about bush and bin laden, 11/09, ,bush and bin laden family relations, the carlyle group and many more ?
From what I 've seen on the net, we don't even know if the flight 77 crashed on the pentagone. (In fact, a plane has disapeard)
What this link is talking about could be one of the most terrific event we've ever seen, and I had to go on the net and search for informations, that's not normal !
What do you think of that ???
for-will-drive-devil said:
From what I 've seen on the net, we don't even know if the flight 77 crashed on the pentagone. (In fact, a plane has disapeard)
What this link is talking about could be one of the most terrific event we've ever seen, and I had to go on the net and search for informations, that's not normal !
What do you think of that ???

I guess the flight 77 wasn't an illusion. Too many witnesses saw the catastrophe. The crash was a terrific event, indeed, but the truth cannot have been dissimulated.
Don't know, I've read a big article about that, and it looks really strange. (Sorry, this is in french http://www.911investigations.net/pentagate.html )

And also evrething about the carlyle group ! Doesn't it upset you even if you can't do anything ?!
Maybe the usgov knew that the planes were going to crash in the building, there's lot of shadows on this event, and nobody talks about it.
(In french http://perso.cs3i.fr//do/ag/383.htm and in englsih http://uk.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=19316&group=webcast )
Are you all fucking insane?

A fucking plane flew into the Pentagon. Period. End of story. Many people died. Many more were injured. I DO TAKE SERIOUS FUCKING OFFENSE that you come here and allege that this perhaps didn't happen.

Oh wait, it came from an Argentinian and 2 French children. That explains everything. My apologies.
See, when everything started (9/11), it was all for Bin Laden. We wasted over a year looking for his ass, now we are in war with Iraq. What the fuck? I know, I've heard about Osama being teamed up with Saddam, but this war isn't about 9/11, it's about Saddam not complying. What happened to the fucking original goal, to find Osama?

NP: Children of Bodom - Black Widow
SSJ4SephirothX said:
What happened to the fucking original goal, to find Osama?

Yep', that's the point.
Only 2 days after 11/09 tragedy bin laden was THE man who did it, don't take this wrong, but a lot of people could have done this, but he was the man. Only two month and two weaks later, the usarmy was ready to bomb afghanistan.
From what I've read, the routine procedures in case of hijacking don't even have been launched !

Maybe you don't believe it's possible cuz' you don't want it to be possible.
I've also read Cia already thought in the past in the possibility of crashing a civilian plane, don't remember the reasons, but it wasn't done.

Margkugs if you could read "fucking" french you could see the pentagon crash is strange. A 100tons plane don't make a 2 meters hole in a wall, moreover when its nose is carbon fibber made.

Just think of what is strange : Each time the usgov declares war, the bush family (and lot of others important people) earn 40% of their investment.

Everything looks to be spoiled. But hey, can we do anything ?
If you don't evben try two see the 2 possibilities, there's no hope.
My english is not good enough to talk of complicated things like that, qo I stop here.
Well, Osama was put responsible for 9/11 because the terrorists who were apprehened were Osama's discipiles, the CIA got leds that it was Osama and also this isn't the first time terrorist attacks were inflicted on the WTC buildings. In 1992-1993, Osama tried to bomb the Twin Towers but failed. This time, he succeeded. I don't know the exact truth, because I am not a part of an intelligence agency, but I am believing what I have been informed. Yet, I also believe in conspiracies so I don't really know. What ever it was, we went looking for Bin Laden, and he was prepared for us.

NP: Dream Theater - The Great Debate
I'm not an economist, but this is what's written.
The carlyle group owns 164 firms in the world, a big part of it are specialised in armement, weapon, aeronotic, so they just never stop to earn money by this way, each time they buy a tank, there's a lot of chance for this tank to be build by a firm owned by the carlyle group, so they make money. Each time they go to war they make lots of money.
Yeah, but if Saddam will burn that oil USAs finances would crush and usa may start the same transformation as russia after dids in asia... I know that all Bush wants is that god damn oil....
SSJ4SephirothX said:
See, when everything started (9/11), it was all for Bin Laden. We wasted over a year looking for his ass, now we are in war with Iraq. What the fuck? I know, I've heard about Osama being teamed up with Saddam, but this war isn't about 9/11, it's about Saddam not complying. What happened to the fucking original goal, to find Osama?

NP: Children of Bodom - Black Widow

Bush is really something.........here's what he said....(pic, I won't take my time typing it!)
Yeah, that's fucked up. When this thing first started, I heard they went to pay Saddam a visit because Osama might have tried to contact him for help. In doing so, they realized that Saddam was not complying with the weapons standards that we had on him, starting a war. Blah blah blah, I have heard mutiple reasons, but I don't know what is true. Also, we have plenty of oil to last us a long time. We have like, 55,000 barrels, each barrel contains like 55 gallons and I believe each gallon makes around 30 gallons of gas. Also, our gas prices have gone down. Instead of the $55 a barrell of crude, it's now $33.