What do want to do with George W. Bush?

What do you want to do?

  • Electrocute his ass!

    Votes: 3 6.4%
  • Place a stungun under his chair!

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Learn him to READ!

    Votes: 7 14.9%
  • Drop a neutron bomb over the White House!

    Votes: 4 8.5%
  • Give him a dynamite stick and say it's a cuban cigar!

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • Rearrange his face!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Walk in with a M-60 machinegun in his office and give him what he deserves!

    Votes: 8 17.0%
  • Play CoB on highest sound 'til his eardrum blows!

    Votes: 18 38.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Way to post count whore it.

Anyways, not all of our government are cowards, just most. Secret Service: Bullshit artists, FBI: Pieces of shit that like to ruin innocent peoples lives, NSA (National Security Agency): Nothing against them, DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency): Exactly what it is I like them, CIA (Central Intelligence Agency): The root of our Intellegence who I plan on working for in the future.

Yes the country does make stupid decisions, but it's not all of the government. The way I think of it, it's either us or Saddam. Either we strike first or he does. After we bombed him, if he bombs anyone, it's going to be us. I personally don't give a shit what happens. If I die tomorrow, so be it. What happens, happens, and there is not a fucking thing I can do about it. There is nothing you can do about it. What I don't understand, is that people from countries other than Iraq and here make more of a bigger fucking deal about this than we do. It's us at war, yet we don't panic about it. You guys are the ones getting all hyped up about it. I am perfectly calm. I don't give a shit, it's out of my reach. If you really give a shit, go find Bush and/or Saddam and kill them. That will solve your fucking problems. Now, everyone, please stop disrespecting my fucking country until you are being bombed by us or Iraq. When that happens, feel free to talk all the shit you want, hell, I might even join in. Until that happens, lay off. How about you say something like, "Oh, I hope this doesn't break out WWIII" instead of "Fucking Cowards! We're all going to die! We are all going to get bombed (even though this is a dispute between Iraq and America)". It's simple, your country is NOT involved. Get it through your heads, don't be so fucking paranoid, it'll cause nothing but stress.
Needled24Seven said:
alex seriously just shut up you dont know shit, and im not sayin anyone really knows shit so why dont we all do ourselves a favor and shut up about this issues. i mean were all cob fans here that puts you ahead of most people in my book, so lets all just stop bullshiting.

Look, I did not start this thread nor have I started any other thread related to this issue in this or any other forum. Just like you react towards what I write I reacted towards what others had written before I started replying. You Americans have to understand that even though my country is not fighting out there (I would be ashamed if they were) this is still a very, very important issue for me and for the entire world. You know, World Wars don't start out as many countries fighting at once. It starts with one war, and then expands. As you have seen, the majority of the world opposes this war, and the Arabs are obviously not just going to stand there and take it on their backs. There will be terrorist acts coming up all over the world, and this could lead to even more wars and at the end many of us, if not all, will be directly affected.
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Way to post count whore it.

Anyways, not all of our government are cowards, just most. Secret Service: Bullshit artists, FBI: Pieces of shit that like to ruin innocent peoples lives, NSA (National Security Agency): Nothing against them, DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency): Exactly what it is I like them, CIA (Central Intelligence Agency): The root of our Intellegence who I plan on working for in the future.

Yes the country does make stupid decisions, but it's not all of the government. The way I think of it, it's either us or Saddam. Either we strike first or he does. After we bombed him, if he bombs anyone, it's going to be us. I personally don't give a shit what happens. If I die tomorrow, so be it. What happens, happens, and there is not a fucking thing I can do about it. There is nothing you can do about it. What I don't understand, is that people from countries other than Iraq and here make more of a bigger fucking deal about this than we do. It's us at war, yet we don't panic about it. You guys are the ones getting all hyped up about it. I am perfectly calm. I don't give a shit, it's out of my reach. If you really give a shit, go find Bush and/or Saddam and kill them. That will solve your fucking problems. Now, everyone, please stop disrespecting my fucking country until you are being bombed by us or Iraq. When that happens, feel free to talk all the shit you want, hell, I might even join in. Until that happens, lay off. How about you say something like, "Oh, I hope this doesn't break out WWIII" instead of "Fucking Cowards! We're all going to die! We are all going to get bombed (even though this is a dispute between Iraq and America)". It's simple, your country is NOT involved. Get it through your heads, don't be so fucking paranoid, it'll cause nothing but stress.

Look, man. As I said in my last post, I did not start this discussion, but just like you react to my comments, I have reacted to people's comments on this forum, so respect that. Although I do not agree with your position, I respect it because you are American and therefore your position will be different from that of the rest of the world.
But contrary from what you, and many Americans, think, this war will affect the rest of the world. World Wars don't start with all the countries fighting at once, it starts with one country attacking another, and then escalates as more countries join in for different reasons. As a consequence to these attacks (also in Afghanistan), there will be more terrorist acts, and this in turn will probably mean more military attacks. There has not been a war so opposed in many, many years. The entire world is against it, and this will only increase hatred towards America and potentially more violence. (Don't start sying shit to me again, I am just saying my opinion just like you)
One question for you: How do you think could Saddam possibly attack the US? With what weapons? What army? They don't even have planes. They only have a handful of missiles which are older than me, and most of them have been disarmed. It is the same as with Cuba. What could they possibly do to America? Why this stupid embargo on that beautiful island? The problem is, the media manipulates everybody and makes them believe what teh government wants them to believe. Every American who I have met who has been to Cuba has a totally different image about the island. They love it! I know this has nothing to do with Iraq, and I am not saying Saddam is a good person. He is a horrible dictator who deserves to die, but it is not the Iraqi's fault. They are harmless outside of their own borders. The ones you have to worry about are the terrorists, but they come in all shapes and nationalities (even Americans such as Timothy McVeigh). Bombing countries will not help the fight against them, but only make it worse with every strike. You can be 100% sure of that. No matter if you kill Saddam or Osama, they will always be there and will always be more angry the more the US bombs them.
I am by no means Anti-American. I am simply anti-war, and specially anti this specific war. If Iraq would have attacked the US first, I would be supporting the US 100%, but that is not the case. Iraq is being attacked and they have not even done anything. As the article says, the entire world opposes the US, thus they could be a threat, thus, should this mean the US should bomb all of them, even itself since there are also terrorists living over there.
It is just sad to see how close minded people can be. Always so bious and always so hateful towards someone or something. This is a senseless war where human lives will be lost and tbings will only get worse from then on.
Needled24seven, SSJ4SephirothX: respect my opinion and that of the others. We are all citizens of this PLANET and we are all involved in this in one way or the other.
Needled24Seven said:
ok thats fine alex just stop being so ignorant about it no one is saying you cant have your opinions, unless they are as ignorant as your posts on the issue

Why these defensive reactions? Just because I have a different opinion does not make me ignorant. I have lived all over the world and I know a lot more than you probably do. All you have done is tell me to shut up and shit. Tell it to my face. Be a man and refute what I am saying with intelligent comments. If you can't, then just don't bother reading my stuff and don't talk to me. Don't make me wast my time.
SSJ4SephirothX said:
But what I am not understanding is why any bombings would occur in places other than Iraq or here. You thinking because of our allies? Our allies are scared, they aren't going to get involved.

Terrorists might attack other nations as well, especially in Europe (mainly England) and Australia for participating in this war. They might attack Americans in other countries and blow up embassies or other buildings. Other countries close to Iraq (who actually do have nuclear weapons) might feel andgry or threatened about this and do something dangerous. Russia, who only recently became friends with US, is opposed to this and could break up relations. I am not saying this or that will happen, but you always have to look at the big picture when it comes to war. Many countries don't participate right away, but as more things happen, more countries might get involved.
I have been living in Costa Rica for many years now. We don't have an army over here. We don't believe in violence. My neighbour has won the freaking Peace Nobel Prize (I'm not joking). My dad works for the University for Peace. I just don't believe in all this "they are evil, they have to be attacked before they attack us, crap" I thought that we, as humans, were finally heading into the right direction where things could be resolved in a peaceful and civilized manner. But I was wrong. I guess things have not changed, and they will probably never change. This world will probably be dead sooner than later since all the weapons just keep getting bigger and more damaging.
I am not a hippie (hippies rule!!! but I am different). I am just a human being who is sick of violence. Before Costa Rica I have lived in countries torn by dictatorships and civil wars. You guys, unless you lived somewhere outside the US, have probably never seen anything like this. September 11s happen every week in countries like those. People just grow up with different values and sense of life. It is not their fault, and it is not your fault either. I can tell you it is very sad and fucked up.
I think this will be my last post here (I know you guys are probably happy about that) since there is really no point in continuing to argue. I just don't believe in humans anymore.
I will turn off my TV and listen to some fucking CHildren of Bodom.
alexofbodom said:
One question for you: How do you think could Saddam possibly attack the US? With what weapons? What army? They don't even have planes. They only have a handful of missiles which are older than me, and most of them have been disarmed.

Wrong man, Saddam/Iraq has plenty of fucking firepower. Sure their military IS pussy, but they have plenty of weapons. We said he couldn't have his toys, but he didn't comply. He has them. This war is partially about the weapons issue. The fact that he didn't comply with the inspections. Why? Because he still has his biological weapons.

I just want you to understand something. What makes you think that other countries are going to get bombed. If you stay out of it, you won't get attacked. The only way you may get attacked is if you live in Isreal because quite simply, Arabs hate Isrealians. Like in Desert Storm, the only country that wasn't involved who got bombed was Isreal, for the reason that Arabs hate Isrealians and Saddam wanted other Arab countries to join his cause. So pretty much you are in the clear unless you live here, live in Isreal, or if your country gets involved. Until then, you don't have much to worry about.

NP: Children of Bodom - Bed of Razors
alexofbodom said:
Terrorists might attack other nations as well, especially in Europe (mainly England) and Australia for participating in this war. They might attack Americans in other countries and blow up embassies or other buildings. Other countries close to Iraq (who actually do have nuclear weapons) might feel andgry or threatened about this and do something dangerous. Russia, who only recently became friends with US, is opposed to this and could break up relations. I am not saying this or that will happen, but you always have to look at the big picture when it comes to war. Many countries don't participate right away, but as more things happen, more countries might get involved.
I have been living in Costa Rica for many years now. We don't have an army over here. We don't believe in violence. My neighbour has won the freaking Peace Nobel Prize (I'm not joking). My dad works for the University for Peace. I just don't believe in all this "they are evil, they have to be attacked before they attack us, crap" I thought that we, as humans, were finally heading into the right direction where things could be resolved in a peaceful and civilized manner. But I was wrong. I guess things have not changed, and they will probably never change. This world will probably be dead sooner than later since all the weapons just keep getting bigger and more damaging.
I am not a hippie (hippies rule!!! but I am different). I am just a human being who is sick of violence. Before Costa Rica I have lived in countries torn by dictatorships and civil wars. You guys, unless you lived somewhere outside the US, have probably never seen anything like this. September 11s happen every week in countries like those. People just grow up with different values and sense of life. It is not their fault, and it is not your fault either. I can tell you it is very sad and fucked up.
I think this will be my last post here (I know you guys are probably happy about that) since there is really no point in continuing to argue. I just don't believe in humans anymore.
I will turn off my TV and listen to some fucking CHildren of Bodom.

You make some interesting points alex. There were some great arguments and I think I might have been seeing it from a different point of view than you. Now, I kind of understand where you are coming from. It's just the majority of Europeons I've debated with didn't have facts like yours.

Overall, it was an excellent debate.

NP: Children of Bodom - Towards Dead End
Needled24Seven said:
/I have lived all over the world and I know a lot more than you probably do./
haha damn is that not the most ignorant comment i have ever heard

Are you talking to me?
I've lived all over the world too.Singapore, England, The Netherlands and now Ireland.Whoopde fucking shit.I can say "Bitch" in Dutch.Maybe I should apply to the UN for a senior position.Maybe I'll lower the levels of whatever pollutant someone's been pissing into your water.
I don't care where you've lived!
Also worth noting is that I don't know ALOT about the current situation which is why I have refrained from posting anything serious.
It's quite apparent you're just posting what every other liberalist, high school student thinks.
Watching "Bowling for Columbine" doesn't make you informed.
Fuck off and die.
LordFireworm said:
I really wish uneduated retards would stop talking about politics.
Most of you seem to think you know something.
You don't.
Shut up already.

AHAHAHAHA! This isn't about politics......retard. Pay attention to what is written before you throw yourself in this debate without even knowing what the fuck we are talking about.

NP: Children of Bodom - Kissing the Shadows
LordFireworm said:
Are you talking to me?
I've lived all over the world too.Singapore, England, The Netherlands and now Ireland.Whoopde fucking shit.I can say "Bitch" in Dutch.Maybe I should apply to the UN for a senior position.Maybe I'll lower the levels of whatever pollutant someone's been pissing into your water.
I don't care where you've lived!
Also worth noting is that I don't know ALOT about the current situation which is why I have refrained from posting anything serious.
It's quite apparent you're just posting what every other liberalist, high school student thinks.
Watching "Bowling for Columbine" doesn't make you informed.
Fuck off and die.

I think Needled was being facetious.

NP: Children of Bodom - Bed of Razors
Needled24Seven said:
/I have lived all over the world and I know a lot more than you probably do./
haha damn is that not the most ignorant comment i have ever heard
ignorant is probably the only fucking word you ever mention in your comments here, do you have an opinion at all?!

And stop this bullshit about US hasn't did anything wrong, they betrayed the UN and now they've started attacking Iraq, and the US has jepordized the whole worldorder on high risk. great.
You don't even know what the US has started now, this can go as far as to hell. damn nationlists, do you believe the bullshit Bush's saying on CNN?
Ok, I don't understand how he betrayed the United Nations, yet I do. It's this simple:

Bush is a power hungry son of a bitch. All he wants, is power. Sure he wants all of us to have freedom, but on the inside, he only wants THIS country to. I see it now.

NP: Dream Theater - Misunderstood
"And as the world is dying slowly in our hands
We'll ask for reasons until the bitter end

Who brings us all the sadness
Who brings us all the fear
Who spreads disease and misery
And steals our destiny

A poisoned heart of anger
Sowing the seeds of pain
All see the darkened skyline
And feel the deadly reign"